Money & Markets – Week of 01.31.16

Is A Financial Crisis Being Covered Up? Mike Maloney

YouTube | 04 February 2016
Suddenly…$20 Billion move…huge drop…

BOJ Roils $1.4 Trillion Money Market Industry as Nomura Suspends
Yahoo Finance | 04 February 2016
That financial institutions…

Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth
NY Times | 03 February 2016
But it’s not just…

Shorting the Yuan is Dangerous
Gold Money | 04 February 2016
Fall…actually increased…

Russia Confirms Participation In OPEC Meeting Next February
Kuwait News Agency | 28 January 2016

Is The Fed “Seriously Considering” Negative Interest Rates?
Zero hedge | 04 February 2016
Away from a “saving”…

World’s Biggest Containership “Hard Aground” As Baltic Dry Crashes Below 300 For First Time Ever
zero Hedge | 04 February 2016
Very different from…

The World’s Most Famous Case of Deflation (Part 1 of 2)
Visual Capitalist | 04 February 2016
Escaping from old…

Dollar Tumbles as Fed Rescues China in the Nick of Time
The Telegraph | 04 February 2016
Impossible to stave off…

TPP Formally Signed in New Zealand as Mass Protest Paralyzes Auckland (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
RT | 04 February 2016
Job loss, stagnant wages, and…

Bond Markets Are Underestimating the Fed, Goldman and Pimco Warn
Bloomberg | 04 February 2016
Underestimating to a significant…

How Pension Plans Are Responding to Financial Repression
Financial Repression Authority | 03 February 2016
Number of things are…

Is It Time To Panic About Deutsche Bank?
Zero Hedge | 03 February 2016
Other banks had started paying attention to…

Goldman Sachs Says It May Be Forced to Fundamentally Question How Capitalism Is Working
Bloomberg | 03 February 2016
Will profit margins…

China’s Inflation Edges Up 1.6 Per Cent in December as Food Prices Rise, Pork Jumps 9.5 Per Cent
SCMP | 09 January 2016
Below the official…

Why Are Food Prices Rising? Causes of Food Price Inflation
About News | 23 November 2015
Limits the amount of corn and…

Oil Glut Drains Exxon, BP Earnings
Market Watch | 02 February 2016
Lowest annual profits since…

The Fed Wants to Test How Banks Would Handle Negative Rates
Bloomberg | 02 February 2016
adverse scenario is…

Willis Towers Watson: Global Retirement Assets Relatively Flat in 2015
P & I | 02 February 2016
Global Pension Assets Study…

The Dollar Dog Ate Corporate America’s Homework: 6 Casualties of the Strong US Dollar
Mauldin Economics | 02 February 2016
Bad, bad news for…

The Weakest Part of the US Economy Isn’t Exactly Screaming Recession
Business Insider | 01 February 2016
Manufacturing ‘recession’ is…

Israel,Turkey Sign Gas Deal Worth $1.3 billion
Business Standard | 01 February 2016
Upheaval and widespread …

BofA: The Oil Crash Is Kicking Off One of the Largest Wealth Transfers in Human History
Bloomberg | 01 February 2016
Emerging markets, where much of…

Markets, Policy and Innovation: Navigating Risk

YouTube | 16 January 2016
Emergency level policy is no…

Just Who Exactly Benefits Most from the Global Giving of Billionaires Like Bill Gates?
Common Dreams | 20 January 2016
Unaccountably skewing…

Gated Development: Is the Gates Foundation Always a Force for Good? (Pdf)
Global Justice | January 2016
See also: above article…

Ponzi Scheme In China Stole $7.6 Billion From Investors, Police Say
NPR | 01 February 2016
Million people who…

Dennis Gartman: Oil Will Fall Sharply Lower Than Anyone Ever Imagined
Yahoo Finance | 29 January 2016
Bull market in crude oil was around…

BRICS Gets Greater Say in IMF
RT | 28 January 2016
BRICS countries will still only…

The Chances of a Global Meltdown
Cato (WSJ) | 26 January 2016
Regulators need to…

‘More Realistic’ Modelling Of TPP’s Effects Predicts 450,000 US Jobs Lost, Contraction Of Economy
Tech Dirt | 19 January 2016
Very considerable…

HSBC Fights to Stop Money-laundering Report Going Public
The Guardian | 14 January 2016
DoJ have argued that…

5 Things to Consider When Investing in Emerging Markets
WSJ | 15 January 2016
Tempted to…

Backed by their Government, Chinese Companies Splash Out Abroad
Asia Nikkei | 07 January 2016
By 2014, it had climbed to…

‘Sustainable Investing’ Goes Mainstream
WSJ | 13 January 2016
Rather than having to eliminate…

The Promise of the Blockchain: The Trust Machine
The Economist | 31 October 2015
Three things that are commonly muddled…

Blockchains: The Great Chain of Being Sure About Things
The Economist | 31 October 2015
Flow chart…Once a solution is found…

China’s Middle Class Turning to Online Apps to Invest Abroad
IR Magazine | 28 October 2016
Seeking to place…

Digital Taylorism; Schumpeter (Intro)
High Beam | 10 September 2015

Foreign Investment: The New Silk Road
The Economist | 12 September 2015
China’s best firms are…