98% Of All Consumer Credit In Past Year Was Student And Car Loans
Zero Hedge | 07 April 2014
Same s***, different month…
Tesla Kicks Off China Sales This Month With Musk Helming
Bloomberg | 09 April 2014
Tesla Motors Inc., the electric-car maker, plans to start selling its luxury sedans in China this month and said the company’s co-founder…
Greece Returns to Bond Markets With a Bang
AP | 10 April 2014
Buoyant Greek officials hailed the country’s return to the international debt market…
Stop IRA Rollovers ‘Immediately,’ Expert Warns After Tax Ruling
Think Advisor | 08 April 2014
Tax court ruling that only one IRA rollover is allowed per year runs counter to IRS interpretation of tax code…
Goldman Keeps its ‘Flash Boys’ Under Wraps
New York Post | 07 April 2014
Yep , the stock market is rigged…
Russia And China About To Sign “Holy Grail” Gas Deal
Zero Hedge | 09 April 2014
Several weeks ago we reported that in response to ongoing alienation of Russia by the west…
Taxpayer Stories of Painful IRS Audit and Tax Experiences
It must be stated that the modern IRS is a much friendlier agency than it once was…
‘Tax Freedom Day’ Falls Three Days Later This Year
The Daily Caller | 07 April 2013
The day when the nation collectively has made enough money to pay its total tax burden…
Tax Identity Theft: Why You’re Vulnerable
ABC News | 06 April 2014
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine – let’s call her Mallory…
Liechtenstein Banker Shot Dead in Reported Investment Feud
Bloomberg | 07 April 2013
A Liechtenstein banker was shot dead after a feud involving an investment fund…
Digital Cash Will Starve the Homeless
Bloomberg View | 07 April 2013
My neighborhood is a focal point for homeless-services organizations, which means that on any fine day…
13 Tax Breaks You’ve Never Heard Of
The Fiscal Times | 01 February 2013
When it comes to saving, most of us consider taxes an afterthought…
ABN Amro Ex-CEO Found Dead
Zero Hedge | 06 April 2014
A mere two weeks since former JPMorgan banker, Kenneth Bellando jumped to his death…
Dark Markets May be More Harmful Than High-Frequency Trading
Reuters | 06 April 2014
Fears that high-speed traders have been rigging the U.S. stock market went mainstream last week thanks to allegations in a book by financial author Michael Lewis…
ECB Says Will Prime QE, but Far From Pulling Trigger Yet
Reuters | 07 April 2014
The European Central Bank will get ready to make large-scale asset purchases but is still a long way off embarking…