Money & Markets – Week of 05.05.13

Currencies – Wild Volatility In More Than The Yen
The Canadian Technician | 10 May 2013
This chart of the currencies that make up the $USD has been shown before…

Economists: Fed Will Taper Bond Purchases This Year
The Wall Street Journal | 10 May 2013
More than half of the 49 economists who participated in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey believe…

Bill Gross: Bull Market in Bonds Is Over
The Wall Street Journal | 10 May 2013
Bill Gross said the three-decade bull run in bonds ended last week…

Argentina’s Deadbeat Special: Buy a 4% Bond or Go to Jail
Bloomberg | 10 May 2013
President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner wants tax evaders…

As Stocks Rise, Frustrated Investors Vent About Ben Bernanke
Yahoo! Finance | 10 May 2013
Earlier this week, a bunch of high-profile investors presented ideas at the Ira Sohn Investment Conference…

ROSENBERG: The Fed Is Trying Like Crazy, But Nothing It’s Doing Can Save The Economy
Business Insider | 05 May 2013
David Rosenberg, the veteran Wall Street economist and bearish strategist at Gluskin Sheff…

Financial Empire and the Global Debtors’ Prison
Information Clearing House | 08 May 2013
Let there be no doubt about it: we live in the era of Financial Empire…

Marketplace Fairness Act: What Does the Internet Sales Tax Bill Mean For You?
The Guardian | 08 May 2013
For years retailers have complained that their online rivals in the US have an unfair tax advantage…

China Names Yuan Convertibility Plan Among This Year’s Goals
Bloomberg | 07 May 2013
China signaled it will propose plans this year to allow freer flows of its currency…

Here’s How You Can Get Dave Rosenberg’s Must-Read Daily Commentary.
Business Insider | 05 May 2013
1 month complimentary subscription…

May 6, 2013
Financial Perspectives | 06 May 2013
Updating a post I did last year on the nation’s wealth gap, I thought the article published by the Washington Post last week was a worthy sequel…

Property and Casualty Insurers – Bond Quality Tumbles to Record Low
Weiss Ratings | 01 May 2013
Two numbers sum up the emerging crisis facing property and casualty (P&C) insurers: record low net yield on invested assets and a record high level of junk bonds…span style=”font-size: 12px; color: gray;”