Money & Markets – Week of 07.07.13

Deflation Pulling More Than Inflation
Kitco | 01 July 2013
Deflation and inflation pressures have both been pulling at the markets…

SEC Lifts Ban on Advertising for Certain Private Securities
Journal of Accountancy | 10 July 2013
Issuers of certain private securities, including hedge funds, will be able to advertise…

Bernanke Supports Continuing Stimulus Amid Debate Over QE
Bloomberg | 11 July 2013
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke called for maintaining accommodation…

Regulators See Dodd-Frank Substantially Complete by End of Year
Bloomberg | 10 July 2013
Dodd-Frank Act measures designed to prevent a repeat of the global credit crisis…

Hatch Offers Pension Reform Bill; Experts Say It Wouldn’t Work
The Bond Buyers | 09 July 2013
Warning of a growing public pension debt crisis, Sen. Orrin Hatch introduced reform legislation…

Oil is the Next Major Commodity to Crash
EconMatters | 28 June 2013
We have seen how Gold and Silver were viciously attacked by the shorts this past week…

IMF Scales Back World Growth Forecasts for 2013-14
USA Today | 09 July 2013
The International Monetary Fund forecast slower global growth for 2013…

Big Banks Face Tougher Lending Rules Than Global Rivals
Reuters | 09 July 2013
The eight biggest U.S. banks will need to hold twice as much equity…

Shadow Banking Bolsters China Inc as Beijing Tightens Credit
Yahoo! Finance | 08 July 2013
Wang Zhiyong, the founder of a Shanghai-based gift card company…

EU Strikes Deal on Who Will Pay for Bank Bailouts
CNBC | 26 June 2013
Finance ministers from the European Union reached a deal…

Why We Underestimate Risk by Omitting Time as a Factor
Bloomberg | 07 July 2013
Suppose I offer you a simple gamble. Throw a dice…

Investment Group Sues U.S. Over Fannie, Freddie Bailout Terms
Yahoo! Finance | 07 July 2013
A group of investors led by hedge fund Perry Capital LLC sued the U.S. Treasury…

Bond Market Volatility Tests ETFs
Index Universe | 05 July 2013
Last month was far from the first time that bond exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have suffered a sharp sell-off…

QEternity for Europe and UK
Gold Antitrust Action Committee | 04 July 2013
President Mario Draghi said the European Central Bank expects to keep interest rates low…

Tax Increment Financing, Economic Development Professionals and the Financialization of Urban Politics
Journalist’s Resource | 02 July 2013
From highways to subways, power lines to the Internet, hospitals to firehouses…