Money & Markets – Week of 08.16.15

Riding the Energy Wave to the Future
Mauldin Economics | 14 August 2015
When energy changes…

Woman Who Married Cuban Spy Suing JP Morgan for $57M
NY Daily | 22 August 2015
Fines for having handled…

Stocks Plunge Sharply for a Second Day on Wall Street
NY Times Deal Book | 22 August 2015
As the selling accelerated…

Private Equity and India’s Economic Development
McKinsey | August 2015
One clear impact…

Markets No Longer Believe ‘It’ will Happen in September”
Business Insider | 20 August 2015
Minutes left markets slightly…

For Most Seniors, Social Security Is Their Biggest Source of Income
The Fiscal Times | 19 August 2015
Battle lines…

Inflation in America is All about One Thing
Business Insider | 19 August 2015
Pushed the national median sales price…

Detroit Disciplined in Return to Bond Market After Bankruptcy
Bloomberg | 19 August 2015
Twice 10-year U.S. …

IMF Board Sets September 2016 as Earliest Yuan Can Join SDR
Bloomberg | 19 August 2015
Move the IMF…

IMF Executive Board Approves Extension of Current SDR Currency Basket Until September 30, 2016
IMF | 19 August 2015
Sufficient lead time to…

Billionaire George Soros Warms Up to Coal as Stock Prices Hit Bottom
Fox News| 19 August 2015
Money on both so far…

Two-Thirds of Americans Believe Social Security Is in a Crisis State
The Fiscal Times | 19 August 2015
24 percent of the total federal…

After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed Admits QE Was A Mistake
Zero Hedge | 19 August 2015
Purchases…anywhere they’ve…

This is a Problem
Business Insider | 18 August 2015
Can corporate earnings…

Greek Bank Bondholders Face Bail-Ins
WSJ Money Beat | 17 August 2015
senior bondholders will share in…

Introduction to a Series on Market Liquidity
Liberty Street Economics | 17 August 2015
Shed light on the evolving…

An Executive’s Guide to the Internet of Things
McKinsey | August 2015
Core fact: business-to-…

Illinois is in ‘Technical Default’
Business Insider | 17 August 2015
Not missed a payment on its…

Yuan Devaluation Breaks Last Line of Global Economic Defence, Warns Top Economist
Telegraph | 17 August 2015
China’s GDP to rise by …

Greek Government on Its ‘Last Legs’ While Angela Merkel Faces Growing Rebellion in Berlin
Telegraph | 17 August 2015
Split the ruling…

Haslam Administration Moves on Privatizing Management of State University Buildings
Commercial Appeal | 17 August 2015
all…facilities not already outsourced to the multinational…

Travails Of Empire – Oil, Debt, Gold & The Imperial Dollar
Telegraph | 17 August 2015
Acting on the theory that oil…

Russia to Issue 30mn National Payment Cards in 2016 – CBR Head
RT | 10 August 2015
Rating agencies, are not…

News and Views From the Nefarium: Joseph Farrell

You Tube | 13 August 2015
With JCB…

US Judge Accuses BP of Gas Market Rigging
RT | 14 August 2015
Ask for a $48 million fine, even though…