Money & Markets – Week of 09.10.17

Money & Markets

One chart breaks down what will happen to the global economy if war with North Korea erupts
Market Watch | 16 September 2017
Consequences of More War w/o End Amen…

Suddenly, “De-Dollarization” Is A Thing
Zero Hedge | 16 September 2017
FRN Consequences…

If Jamie Dimon Hates It So Much, Why Is JPMorgan Buying Bitcoin In Europe?
Zero Hedge | 16 September 2017
Same Old Play Book…

Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study
University of Cambridge | 16 September 2017
Benchmarking Studies…

China’s Bitcoin Exchanges Receive Shutdown Orders and Closure Timeline
Coin Desk| September 2017
PRC Bitcoin Beat Down…

New York Teamsters Approve Slashing Benefits to Retired Members
Reuters | 13 September 2017
20,767 eligible participants did not…

Chinese investments to revive UK property markets
Asian Times | 15 September 2017
Chinese Investments Revive UK Real Estate..

‘Silver-spoon’ Chinese have no desire to run the family firm
Asian Times| 15 September 2017
Generational Disconnect..

Chilton Warns of Dire Consequences in Pension Letter
State Journal | 14 September 2017
Required to use – the Corporate Bond Index rate…

These 22 retailers are closing hundreds of stores in 2017
Bank Rate | 14 September 2017
The Death of Retail..

Bitcoin Crashes After Chinese Exchange Says It Will Halt Trading
Bloomberg | 14 September 2017
Cryptos Vulnerable to Legislation…

Former JPMorgan Quant On Evading Chinese Capital Controls Via Bitcoin
Zero Hedge | 14 September 2017
More Crypto Drama..

China Prepares Sale of $2 Billion in U.S.-Dollar Bonds
Morningstar | 13 September 2017
USD is not About to Collapse…

Is Amazon To Blame The Fed Can’t Hit Its Inflation Target
Zero Hedge | 13 September 2017
Amazon Deflation…

Moody’s: Medians show US state net pension liabilities tick higher in fiscal 2016
Moodys Investor Services | 13 September2017
Precedes Spike in 2017…

Adjustments to US State and Local Government Reported Pension Data
NASRA | June 2013
Moody’s cross sector rating methodology…

Understanding New Public Pension Funding Guidelines and Calculations
NASRA | June 2013
Finance versus Actuarial reporting…

Global Debt Hits 325% Of World GDP, Rises To Record $217 Trillion
Zero Hedge | 07 January 2017
Debt,Debt and more Debt…

‘Dangerous volatility’ is inciting flashbacks to the financial crisis
Business Insider | 13 September 2017
Chickens coming Home???

Public Workers from Two more Towns Expected to Lose CalPERS Pensions
Sacramento Bee | 13 September 2017
Shortchanges their…

Am I Certain About the Strong Dollar?
Armstrong Economics | 12 September 2017
Will never…Why? It is…

Equifax: What Now? My Credit Freeze Primer. Also, Don’t Over React
Bob Sullivan | 13 September 2017

How Equifax is Trying to Avoid Lawsuits
Undernews | 10 September 2017
Can’t sue over…but only…

Bitcoin Tumbles After Jamie Dimon Calls It A Fraud: “Would Fire Anyone Trading It”
zero Hedge | 12 September 2017
Actually…see charts…

US Threatens To Cut Off China From SWIFT If It Violates North Korea Sanctions
Zero Hedge | 12 September 2017
Troubled by…

China Is Said to Ban Bitcoin Exchanges While Allowing OTC
Bloomberg | 11 September 2017
Authorities don’t have plans to…

House Conservative: GOP Gave Trump No Choice But to Cut Bad Deal
Bloomberg | 10 September 2017
Republican conference hadn’t even discussed…