Money & Markets – Week of 10.10.10

OPEC Members Seek $100 Oil to Counter Dollar Weakness
Bloomberg (15 Oct 10)

Recession Will Never End If This Tunnel Isn’t Built: Joe Mysak
Bloomberg (14 Oct 10)

Cotton Surges Exchange Limit to Record on China Demand Gain
Bloomberg Businessweek (14 Oct 10)

Los Angeles Utility Facing Pension Problems (14 Oct 10)

Middle Classes Hit Again With Tax Raid on Pensions (13 Oct 10)

U.S. Aims to Foist Its Debts on Others, Chinese Economist Warns
GATA (14 Oct 10)

Here Comes The Scramble For Capital: JPM To Raise $4 Billion
Zero Hedge (14 Oct 10)

Geron: Buyer Beware
Seeking Alpha (13 Oct 10)

European Interbank Lending Conditions Deteriorate Fast Post Latest Liquidity Withdrawing LTRO Roll
Zero Hedge (12 Oct 10)

China Stakes Claim to South Texas Oil, Gas (12 Oct 10)

Google Plans Alternative Inflation Index Using Web Data
CNBC (12 Oct 10)

China’s Pipelineistan “War”: Anteing Up, Betting, and Bluffing in the New Great Game
The Huffington Post (12 Oct 10)

El-Erian Says ‘Slow Disease’ Is Eating Financial Markets
Yahoo Finance (12 Oct 10)

US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Pension Deficits
CNBC (12 Oct 10)

How Hyperinflation Will Happen
Gonzalo Lira (23 Aug 10)

The Shadow Class War of 2010
Truthout (12 Oct 10)

Soros, Stiglitz and Wolf Find (Gaping) Holes in New Financial ‘Reform’
Yahoo Finance (11 Oct 10)

The Visual History of The Federal Reserve System (1914-2010)
Financial Graph Art (Oct 2010)

Push For Currency Compromise
hindustantimes (12 Oct 10)

The Demise of The Dollar
The Independent (6 Oct 10)

CFTC’s Gensler Outlines Possible Reforms Following Flash Crash
NASDAQ (12 Oct 10)

Two Teams Try Lining up Potash Corp Bids – Reports
Reuters (11 Oct 10)

J.P. Morgan Commodities Chief Takes the Heat
The Wall Street Journal (9 Oct 10)

Meaningless Monday – Rethinking that Round Earth Idea
Phil’s StockWorld (11 Oct 10)

Greece: It’s Our Debt, But It’s Your Problem
Business Insider (16 Feb 10)

Canadian Snowbird (Pt 1)
Howe (9 Oct 10)

Meat Market Corn Crunch Means Costliest Beef in Quarter Century
Bloomberg (11 Oct 10)

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Currency Wars Are Necessary if All Else Fails
GATA (10 Oct 10)

U.S. Is World’s Backstop Ag Exports at a Tipping Point
DTN/The Progressive Farmer (6 Oct 10)

Illinois Pays More Than Mexico as Cash-Strapped States Sell Bonds Overseas
Bloomberg (5 Oct 10)

IMF Chief Fears Risk of Currency War After Japan’s Zero Interest Rate Move (5 Oct 10)

Warren Buffett Says in Future Wall Street Chiefs Should go Broke – And Their Wives (5 Oct 10)

Wall Street Falls as Investors Book Gains
Reuters (4 Oct 10)

Cheap Debt for Corporations Fails to Spur Economy
The New York Times (3 Oct 10)

IMF Admits That The West is Stuck in Near Depression (3 Oct 10)

Some 3,000 Millionaires Claim Jobless Benefits, IRS Data Show
Bloomberg (1 Oct 10)

Joseph Stiglitz: The Euro May Not Survive (2 Oct 10)