Money & Markets – Week of 10.12.08

Fannie, Freddie to Buy $40 Billion a Month of Troubled Assets
Bloomberg (11 Oct 2008)

Fears of Lehman’s CDS Derivatives Haunt Markets
GATA / The Telegraph (17 Oct 2008)

Daily Bank Borrowing from Fed Rises to $438 Billion
GATA / Reuters (16 Oct 2008)

EU Calls For Summit To End Bretton Woods
Mish’s Global Economic Analysis (16 Oct 2008)

EU, US Call for a Global Summit to Reshape Banking
Associated Press (15 Oct 2008)

U.S. Government Could Guarantee $2 Trillion for Banks
GATA / Associated Press (14 Oct 2008)

Former WSJ Reporter: Illegal Naked Short Selling is Responsible for the Financial Crisis
Air America (15 Oct 2008)

Shipping Lines Say Tight Credit Cutting World Trade
Bloomberg (15 Oct 2008)

Buyout Bosses Gather in Dubai as Crisis Continues
Reuters (12 Oct 2008)

The Godfather: Paulson Makes Offer Banks Can’t Refuse
Yahoo Finance (15 Oct 2008)

Switzerland Rejects Intervention, Expecting Its Banks to Grow Stronger
NY Times (15 Oct 2008)

Taking it From the Top Again
Progressive Review (14 Oct 2008)

The 6 Degrees Of Hank Paulson
Pro Publica (10 Oct 2008)

Friedman’s Chicago Tosses Texts as Crisis Generates Confusion
Bloomberg (14 Oct 2008)

Town Hall Meeting: Weathering the New Economic Storm
Syracuse Peace Council

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Financial Crisis: Countries at Risk of Bankruptcy from Pakistan to Baltics
The Telegraph (14 Oct 2008)

Dubai Debt Risk as Crisis Rocks Gulf Banks
The Telegraph (14 Oct 2008)

‘Smart Money’ Stays on the Sides
Wall Street Journal (14 Oct 2008)

Bush Says U.S., Other Governments Working to Stabilize Markets
Bloomberg (13 Oct 2008)

Lehman Bankruptcy to Net Millions for Legal Advisors
Financial News Online (10 Oct 2008)

Icelandic Shoppers Splurge as Currency Woes Reduce Food Imports
Bloomberg (13 Oct 2008)

An Experiment in Worgl


Infinite Dollars and More Interest Rate Cuts on the Way
GATA / Bloomberg (13 Oct 2008)

Behind the Panic: Financial Warfare Over Future of Global Bank Power
F. William Engdahl / (9 Oct 2008)

G-7 Commit to `All Necessary Steps’ to Stem Meltdown
Bloomberg (11 Oct 2008)

Europe’s Leaders Race to Find Financial Solution
Bloomberg (12 Oct 2008)

Lehman Brothers Demise Triggers Huge Default
Times Online (11 Oct 2008)

The Biggest Bet in the World
The Guardian (12 Oct 2008)

British Bank Rescues May Close London Market on Monday
GATA / The Times (12 Oct 2008)

Royal Bank of Scotland Under State Control
Times Online (13 Oct 2008)

Canada Rated World’s Soundest Bank System: Survey
Reuters (9 Oct 2008)

Australian and New Zealand Dollar Still Falling (13 Oct 2008)

Locabucks: Are Local Currencies a Way to Escape the Liquidity Trap? (12 Oct 2008)