Money & Markets – Week of 10.17.10

AIG Raises $17.9 Billion And Prices AIA IPO at Top
Reuters (22 Oct 10)

Unethical Investing By Charities
Alrroya (21 Oct 10)

Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes
Bloomberg (21 Oct 10)

China Lowers the Boom
5 min. Forecast

Rare Earth Prices Soar Even as China Pledges Supply
GATA (20 Oct 10)

U.S. Probes Report on China Stopping Some Key Mineral Exports
CNN (20 Oct 10)

Where’s The FT Story About ‘Speculators’ Buying Government Bonds?
GATA (20 Oct 10)

A Surprise Boost For Euro From China
geopolitics (4 Oct 10)

A Fast Fall For Once Mighty Megachurch
NPR (20 Oct 10)

Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.0% in Mid-October
Gallup (20 Oct 10)

Lacking Trading Data, CFTC May Delay Commodity Position Limits
GATA (19 Oct 10)

Say Goodbye to Traditional Free Checking
Yahoo Finance (19 Oct 10)

The Secret to Turning Consumers Green
The Wall Street Journal (18 Oct 10)

Top 100 School Administrators Salaries and Pensions – Illinois 2007
Champion (8 June 08)

Resignation Letter of CFTC Administrative Law Judge
The Road to Roota Letters (18 Oct 10)

Visualizing A POMO Market: How The Fed Added 400 Points To The S&P
Zero Hedge (18 Oct 10)

SPY Flash Crashes: NYSE Cancels $500 Million Worth Of Trades
Zero Hedge (18 Oct 10)

Articles Are Disappearing From Google Archive News
Market Skeptics (17 Oct 10)

Paging Bob Pisani: Mutual Funds See 23rd Sequential Outflow, As Redemptions Accelerate, Hit $80 Billion
Zero Hedge (13 Oct 10)

Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Climb 11%
Market Watch (4 Oct 10)

Currency Wars-Misguided US Economic Policy
Gordon T Long (Oct 2010)

“EM08: Economic Meltdown 2008” (PDF) (29 Sept 10)

Are Irish Taxpayers About To Bail Out Goldman? Is Peter Sutherland Stealing From His Own People To Give To The Vampire Squid?
Zero Hedge (17 Oct 10)

Flashback to 1870 as Cotton Hits Peak
The Wall Street Journal (15 Oct 10)

Bill Gross Telegraphs QE2 Green Light: Buys MBS On Margin
Zero Hedge (15 Oct 10)

FXCM is Shifting US Accounts Back Home
Forex Magnates (20 Sept 10)