Money & Markets – Week of 10.19.08

Aggregate Monetary Base Now Going at 341%
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (23 Oct 2008)

Adjusted Monetary Base

GM Suspends Payments Into 401K Plans
Reuters (23 Oct 2008)

Russian Default Risk Tops Iceland as Crisis Deepens
The Telegraph (24 Oct 2008)

Campaign Cost Tops $5.3BN in Most Expensive White House Race in History
The Times (24 Oct 2008)

Volcker Says U.S. in Midst of `Unprecedented’ Financial Crisis
Bloomberg (22 Oct 2008)

Greenspan Admits Error in Opposing Derivatives Regulation
GATA (23 Oct 2008)

Will the IMF & Co. Let Gold Crash?
MineWeb (23 Oct 2008)

CDO Cuts Show $1 Trillion Corporate-Debt Bets Toxic
Bloomberg (22 Oct 2008)

Calpers Looks to Shore Up Assets
Wall Street Journal (23 Oct 2008)

Morgan Stanley’s Bonuses Get Saved By You and Me
Bloomberg (21 Oct 2008)


Wall Street Banks in $70 Billion Staff Payout
The Guardian (18 Oct 2008)

Wall Street’s ‘Disaster Capitalism for Dummies’
MarketWatch (20 Oct 2008)

Argentina Moves To Nationalise Private Pension
London Telegraph (22 Oct 2008)

Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds
Bloomberg (21 Oct 2008)

The Supreme Court on Whether a Loan is a Security
U.S. Supreme Court (1990)

700 Billion is Nothing

The Real Reason Behind the Bail-Out
Truth in Options (18 Oct 2008)

Parmalat Ordered to Pay Citigroup $364 MN in Damages (21 Oct 2008)

Beyond Greed and Scarcity: An Interview with Bernard Lietaer


Hedge Fund Manager: Goodbye…and Think Pot
CNBC (17 Oct 2008)

U.S. October Consumer Sentiment Falls Most on Record
Bloomberg (17 Oct 2008)

New York Fed to Discontinue Publication of its Weekly Statement of Condition
NY Times (16 Oct 2008)

Whose Money Are We Guaranteeing?
Scoop Independent News (20 Oct 2008)

ECB Council Member Foresees ‘Tri-Polar’ Currency System
GATA / Bloomberg (19 Oct 2008)

Wall Street Monsters & Meat (You)
321Gold (17 Oct 2008)