Money & Markets – Week of 11.14.10

Bernanke: Fed’s Right on Stimulus, China
CNN Money (19 Nov 10)

Futures Lower as China Tightens Policy
TheStreet (19 Nov 10)

Bond Market Turmoil Hits California in The Pocketbook
Los Angeles Times (19 Nov 10)

Few Businesses Sprout, With Even Fewer Jobs
The Wall Street Journal (18 Nov 10)

China to Float Third-ever 50-year T-bonds
ChinaDaily (18 Nov 10)

Members of US Congress Get Richer Despite Sour Economy
CNBC (17 Nov 10)

Full Year of Muni Gains Wiped Out in 2 Weeks; California in Shambles, Philadelphia Downgraded; Issuance Soars; Horrid Muni Risk-Reward Setup
MISH’S (17 Nov 10)

It’s The Bankers Wot Did It
FT Alphaville (17 Nov 10)

India Microcredit Faces Collapse From Defaults
The New York Times (17 Nov 10)

Ireland Set to Tap €80bn Loan as it Opens Door to IMF Mission (18 Nov 10)

An Idea of Epic Grandeur For “Anyone Who Wants to Bankrupt a Bank”
Chaostheorien (18 Nov 10)

New Exotic Investment: Latin Baseball Futures
The New York Times (17 Nov 10)

Gap, Wal-Mart Clothing Costs Rise on ‘Terrifying’ Cotton Prices
Bloomberg (15 Nov 10)

Greece, Germany Grapple Over Debt
The Wall Street Journal (16 Nov 10)

Get a Bigger Check From Social Security
Kiplinger (2010)

Strategies to Reduce Taxes on Social Security
Kiplinger (1 Sept 10)

Stark Says ECB Will Continue Exit After the End of the Year
Bloomberg (16 Nov 10)

NYC Mayor’s ’09 Tax Forms Show More Offshore Money
Yahoo News (16 Nov 10)

U.S. Sets 50 Bank Probes
The Wall Street Journal (17 Nov 10)

Sweeping Irish Aid Package in Works
The Wall Street Journal (17 Nov 10)

Greek December Aid Tranche Delayed Until January – Charting Europe’s Slow Motion Train Wreck
Zero Hedge (17 Nov 10)

Hinde Capital On What To Do When There Is No Debt Jubilee
Zero Hedge (17 Nov 10)

Philadelphia Downgraded By Moody’s (A1 To A2)
Zero Hedge (17 Nov 10)

California Delays Issuance Of $10 Billion In RANs, Reason Unknown (However, Insolvency May Have Something To Do With It)
Zero Hedge (17 Nov 10)

Under Attack, Fed Officials Defend Buying of Bonds
The New York Times (16 Nov 10)

Blankfein Says Emerging Markets Goldman’s “Biggest Opportunity” For Growth
Bloomberg (16 Nov 10)

Greek CDS Blowing Out
The Big Picture (16 Nov 10)

GLD Vault Protector HSBC To Double Banker Pay
Zero Hedge (16 Nov 10)

Ireland Talks With EU as Germany Pushes It to Take Bailout
Bloomberg (15 Nov 10)

63% Say Renewable Energy is A Better Long-Term Investment for America Than Fossil Fuels
Rasmussen Reports (15 Nov 10)

The Real Reason For Obama’s Trip To India: The Sixth Biggest Arms Deal In U.S. History
Business Insider (6 Nov 10)

Finland Opposes Aid To Ireland
Zero Hedge (16 Nov 10)

How Finished Goods Prices Are Up 4.3% Over Last 12 Months; Gasoline Prices are up 9.8% in October, and the BLS Reports Declining Inflation (16 Nov 10)

TIC Update: In September Foreign Central Banks Dumped The Biggest Amount Of US Agencies On Record
Zero Hedge (16 Nov 10)

Walmart: Inflation is Up
Western (14 Nov 10)

Greece Admits Breach of Bailout Terms as Audit Begins
Yahoo News (16 Nov 10)

Paulson Sells Large Portions Of BofA, Citi, Wells, Capital One, Dumps All Of Goldman, Adds 500,000 In Potash Merger Arb
Zero Hedge (15 Nov 10)



China is Beginning to Spend Its Cash
The Economist (12 Nov 10)

Exec Comp Exposed! What Your CFO, COO and CEO Made This Year
CFO Daily News (12 Nov 10)

Portuguese Foreign Minister Says Country May Need To Leave Euro
Business Insider (14 Nov 10)

China May be Bigger Economy Than US Within Two Years (10 Nov 10)

American Indicators
Progressive Review