Money & Markets – Week of 1.16.11

Google Shares Rise as Investors Look Past Shuffle
Reuters (21 Jan 11)

Google Shake-Up Is Effort to Revive Start-Up Spark
The New York Times (20 Jan 11)

SEC Adopts Disclosure, Review Rules for Asset-Backed Securities [Full news story requires subscription]
The Wall Srtreet Journal (20 Jan 11)

World Needs $100 Trillion More Credit, Says World Economic Forum
The Telegraph (20 Jan 11)

U.S. Factories Buck Decline
The Wall Street Journal (19 Jan 11)

Apple Crushes Earnings, Ships 7.3 Million iPads
Business Insider (18 Jan 11)
(17 Jan 11)

When Will The Recession End ? Part 134 What Could Trigger a Global Double Dip Recession in 2011? Russia
Smart Economy (4 Jan 11)

When Will The Recession End? Part 133 Why Russia Doesn’t Fit Into BRIC
Smart Economy (23 Dec 10)

JP Morgan Happy to Terrorize U.S. Men And Women in Uniform, For a Quick Buck (18 Jan 11)

Insider Selling To Buying Ratio: DIV/0, As No Insiders Bought Any Stock In Prior We
Zero Hedge (18 Jan 11)

Comcast-NBC Merger Approved
Daily K O S (18 Jan 11)

Guest Post – Disinformation Fog Intensifies As Economic Turmoil Develops
Nathan’s Economic Edge (18 Jan 11)

Here’s Who Owns Facebook
Business Insider (17 Jan 11)

Goldman Sachs Suffers Facebook Fiasco (17 Jan 11)

Goldman FX Chief Leaves After ‘Internal Breach’[Full news story (requires subscription)]
Euromoney (17 Jan 11)

16 Shocking Facts About The Student Loan Debt Bubble And The Great College Education Scam
The American Dream (21 Dec 10)

Spain Cancels Market Auction, As It, Portugal And Belgium Go Syndicate, Spook Bond Investors (Again)
Zero Hedge (17 Jan 11)

Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China
The New York Times (15 Jan 11)

M2M Leases Ship at Loss as Australia Floods Sap Cargo
Bloomberg (14 Jan 11)

Dry Bulk Ship-Use to Drop to Decade-Low, Pareto Securities Says
Bloomberg (13 Jan 11)

The Great Vega Short – Volatility, Tail Risk, And Sleeping Elephants
Artemis Capitol management

Meet Judge John Roll
Brasscheck TV (Jan 11)

Accelerating Deposit Flight In Ireland Forces Irish Central Bank To Print Money Independent Of ECB
Zero Hedge (16 Jan 11)

The Invention of Money
This American Life (7 Jan 11)

Small Town Launches Its Own Stimulus: A Local Currency
Los Angeles Times (15 Jan 11)

Alternate U.S. Dollar Index Chart
Shadow Stats (2011)

Goldman Reveals Fresh Crisis Losses
CNBC (14 Jan 11)

SEC Probes Banks, Buyout Shops Over Dealings With Sovereign Funds
The Wall Street Journal (14 Jan 11)

Ted Ideas Worth Spreading
(10 Dec 10)

New Hit to Strapped States
The Wall Street Journal (14 Jan 11)

Europe Fears Motives of Chinese Super-creditor
The Telegraph (13 Jan 11)

Nomura On Tim Geithner’s 5 Magic Tricks To Keep The Government From Defaulting
Business Insider (14 Jan 11)

The Rise of the New Global Elite
The Atlantic (Jan/Feb 11)