Money & Markets – Week of 12.12.10

Fed’s Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman Missing Trillions of Taxpayers’ Dollars
Want To Know | 11 December 2010
Yes trillions…

TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve!

9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve!
YouTube | 11 December 2010
Not tracking…

Irish Debt Downgraded as EU Eschews Crisis Action
Reuters (17 Dec 10)

M&A Tops $2.2 Trillion in First Yearly Rise Since 2007
Reuters (17 Dec 10)

Must See: Nordea’s Chart Of The Week – Collapsing US Import Demand
Zero Hedge (17 Dec 10)

Consumer Morale Near Two-year Low in November – Nationwide
Reuters (17 Dec 10)

Inflation Expectations Hit 2-year High
Reuters (16 Dec 10)

CFTC’s Chilton Interview on Commodities Speculation Plan
Bloomberg (16 Dec 10)

Visa, MasterCard Plunge on Fed Move to Cut Debit Fees
Bloomberg (16 Dec 10)

Fake-Out Thursday – Oil Scam Continues Unabated
Phil Stock World (16 Dec 10)

CFTC Toughens Commodity Limits But Relents on Some Rules
GATA (16 Dec 10)

Wall Street’s 2010 Bonuses May Top Last Year
MSNBC (15 Dec 10)

Safe Sales Soar as Worried Bank Customers Keep Money at Home (14 Dec 10)

Household Debt Levels Surpass U.S.
Financial Post (14 Dec 10)

Twitter Financing Values Company at $3.7 Billion
Reuters (16 Dec 10)

Munis Are The First Official Burning Theater: “There Is An Avalanche Of Bid-Wanteds” As Nobody Can “Accomodate This Much Sell-Side Pressure”
Zero Hedge (15 Dec 10)

UBS Dress Code For Bankers: Select Translated Text From The 44-page Tome
The Vancouver Sun (16 Dec 10)

Dress to Impress, UBS Tells Staff
The Wall Street Journal (14 Dec 10)

Regulator Set to Publish RBS Report by End-March
Reuters (15 Dec 10)

Philadelphia Mayor Nutter Interview About Pension Plan
Bloomberg (Dec 2010)

Must Watch: Stockman Explains To Ratigan How In Thirty Years America Spent Enough Debt To LBO Itself, And Ended Up Bankrupt
Zero Hedge (14 Dec 10)

Reformer From NY Fed Gets Reformed Himself … by Goldman Sachs
GATA (14 Dec 10)

Easter Egg Out Of The BIS: US Banks Are On The Hook To The PIIGS By Over $350 Billion
Zero Hedge (14 Dec 10)

Pimco’s Gross Buys Five of Firm’s Muni Bond Funds
Yahoo Finance (13 Dec 10)

Last Week The ECB Bought A Whopping €2.7 Billion In Sovereign Bonds
Zero Hedge (13 Dec 10)

Goldman Ranks Cotton and Soybeans Among Top Bets (13 Dec 10)

Ex-City Minister Calls For Breakup of RBS and Lloyds
Reuters (13 Dec 10)

EU to Target Private Lenders in Future Bail-outs
BBC News (12 Dec 10)

N.Y. Times: A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives
GATA (12 Dec 10)

20 Brilliant Marketing Campaigns That Literally Stopped Traffic
Business Insider (10 Dec 10)

A&P Supermarket Chain Expected To File For Bankruptcy, Another Harbinger Wipe Out?
Zero Hedge (10 Dec 10)

New Year’s Resolution? Dump Domestic Losers and Buy High-Dividend Foreign Stocks
Seeking Alpha (9 Dec 10)

U.S. Nov. Budget Deficit $150.4 Billion: Treasury
MarketWatch (10 Dec 10)

The Municipal Bond Pitch: “What You’re Giving Me is Pure Bulls**t”
Au Contrarian (6 Dec 10)

American Retirement Funds at Serious Risk of Being Seized
The Market Oracle (7 Dec 10)

Hungary Follows Argentina in Pension-Fund Ultimatum, `Nightmare’ for Some
Bloomberg (25 Nov 10)