Money & Markets – Week of 1.24.10

Funds Flee Greece as Germany Warns of “Fatal” Eurozone Crisis (28 Jan 10)

EU Signals Last-resort Backing For Greece
Financial Times (29 Jan 10)

Geithner Was ‘Not Doing His Job’ at Fed, Issa Says (28 Jan 10)

Ecuador Default ‘Clear and Present Danger,’ S&P Says (28 Jan 10)

FAQs On the New Credit Card Rules
Kiplinger (28 Jan 10)

S.E.C. Adds Climate Risk to Disclosure List
The New York Times (27 Jan 10)

So Much For The Whole Stock Bonus Theater: Citigroup Employees Can Sell Their Bonus Shares In The Open Market… In APRIL
Zero Hedge (27 Jan 10)

SEC: More Changes for Money-Market Funds
The Wall Street Journal (28 Jan 10)

French Were Willing to Negotiate AIG Discounts, Barofsky Says (28 Jan 10)

Darrell Issa Is In Possession Of AIG’s Redacted Schedule A, Wants To Make List Public
Zero Hedge (27 Jan 10)

Fed Weighs Interest on Reserves as New Policy Rate (27 Jan 10)

Chavez Currency ‘Burn’ Failing as $93 Billion Leave (27 Jan 10)

Swaps Trading Surges as National Deficits Rise: Credit Markets (27 Jan 10)

Five China Firms Eye $1.1 Billion in HK IPOs
Reuters (25 Jan 10)

Vietnam Sells $1 Billion of Bonds in 2nd Global Issue (26 Jan 10)

Obama to Seek Freeze on Part of Budget
Yahoo Finance (25 Jan 10)

Goldman Sachs Bonuses May Get Boost as Obama Plan Hammers Stock (25 Jan 10)

Goldman Said to Shut Global Equity Opportunities Fund (25 Jan 10)

An Expose On Chinese Reserves, PBOC Currency Swaps, And The “Other Investor” Category
Zero Hedge (25 Jan 10)

At NYFed, Geithner Was Told of Benefit to Banks in AIG Bailout
GATA (25 Jan 10)

AIG’s Bailout Disclosure Surprised NY Fed
Reuters (22 Jan 10)

Fed E-Mail to Geithner Cites Bank Benefit From AIG (25 Jan 10)

Obama Announces Initiatives For Middle Class
Yahoo Finance (25 Jan 10)

No Double-dip Recession Forecast – IMF Chief
The Malta Independent Online (25 Jan 10)

SEC May Approve Restrictions on Short Sales When Stocks Plunge (25 Jan 10)

Coast Guard: Half of 462,000 Gallons in Texas Oil Spill Evaporated, Dispersed or Removed
Chicago Tribune (25 Jan 10)

Chasing Red Liquidity Herrings
Zero Hedge (24 Jan 10)

The $700 Billion U.S. Funding Hole; Desperately Seeking A Very Indiscriminate Treasury Buyer
Zero Hedge (24 Jan 10)

Chart of The Day: The Week Washington Turned On Wall Street
Clusterstock (22 Jan 10)

Unemployment Rose in 43 States Last Month
abcNews (22 Jan 10)

Prepare Now to Escape Obama’s Retirement Trap
Whiskey And Gunpowder (21 Jan 10)

Identifying Sure Signs Of The Final Economic Plunge
Neithercorp Press (12 Jan 10)

Too Few Own The Wealth of Nations…Too Many Own Nothing
Center For Economic And Social Justice