Money & Markets – Week of 4.11.10

Fried-Chicken Indicator Isn’t Bullish (16 Apr 10)

Greek Aid in Doubt as German Professors Prepare Court Challenge
London Telegraph (15 Apr 10)

Saint-Etienne Swaps Explode as Financial Weapons Ambush Europe (15 Apr 10)

Are These Investments Worth the Tax Hassle?
Motley Fool (12 Apr 10)

Appeal of Overseas Retirement Grows for Many
U.S. News (14 Apr 10)

Morgan Stanley Warns Germany May Decide to Secede From EMU
ZeroHedge (15 Apr 10)

U.S. Government Finally Admits Most Piracy Estimates Are Bogus
Ars Technica (13 Apr 10)

Healthcare Law to Sock Middle Class with a $3.9 Billion Tax Increase in 2019
The Hill (12 Apr 10)

The Benefits of Contract Abrogation According to Mark Zandi: 6 Million People Not Making Mortgage Payments Frees Up $8 Billion Each Month
Zero Hedge (14 Apr 10)

Morgan Stanley Loses $5.4B in RE Fund: Biggest Loss in History!
Zero Hedge (13 Apr 10)

ConocoPhillips Agrees to Sell Syncrude Stake to Sinopec
ConocoPhillips (12 Apr 10)

JP Morgan Net Rises 55% on Improved Outlook for Economy, Housing (14 Apr 10)

Dow 12,000 Next? Or New Record 14,165?
MarketWatch (13 April 10)

‘The Fourteenth Banker,’ Anonymous Bank Insider, Describes His Moral Crisis: ‘The System Is Built To Be Gamed’
The Huffington Post (13 April 10)

Strapped City Cuts and Cuts and Cuts
The Wall Street Journal (13 April 10)

Why Bond Funds Are Suddenly Hot
CNN Money (12 April 10)

How to Fight the IRS
The Wall Street Journal (12 April 10)

Next Tax Holiday

IMF Prepares For Global Cataclysm, Expands Backup Rescue Facility By Half A Trillion For “Contribution To Global Financial Stability”
Zero Hedge (12 April 10)

Taking the Tenth
Fred On Everything (19 March 10)

There’s Gold in the Fine Print
Kiplinger (13 April 10)

Why The Coming Wall Street Movie Really Does Portend Another Crash
Business Insider (12 April 10)

BlackRock Lured by 4% Treasury Notes Shunned at Pimco (12 April 10)

PIMCO’s Bill Gross Frantically Dumping Treasuries, Thinks US Interest Rates Will Soar
Business Insider (12 April 10)

Watching The Growth of Walmart – Now With 100% More Sam’s Club
Flowing Data (7 April 10)

Greek Bonds, Stocks May Rally on 45 Billion-Euro EU Aid Pledge (12 April 10)

Former Fed President Poole Says Fed Has ‘Tilted Playing Field’ (12 April 10)

Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go But Up
The New York Times (10 April 10)

Edolphus Towns Says Fed Officials Were Unhappy About Friedman Waiver To Buy GS Stock, Were Overruled
Zero Hedge (10 April 10)

Concentration of Wealth is Destroying Democracy
Washington’s Blog (11 April 10)

Most Wall Street Banks Using Lehman Style Accounting Trickery Enabled by the Fed to Hide Their Risk
Jesse’s Crossroads Cafe (9 April 10)

Nepal’s “Living Goddess” Eyes Banking Career
Reuters (8 April 10)

SEC Proposes Rules to Increase Investor Protections in Asset-Backed Securities (7 April 10)