Stiglitz Says White House Ties to Wall Street Doom Bank Rescue
Bloomberg.com (17 April 09)
A.I.G. Audited on Its Payouts
The New York Times (07 April 09)
General Growth Properties Files for Bankruptcy
The New York Times (16 April 09)
Lawyers Set to Profit on Lehman
The Wall Street Journal (16 April 09)
Lehman Sits on Bomb of Uranium Cake as Prices Slump (Update1)
Bloomberg.com (14 April 09)
Let’s Keep Big Banks from Ruining America Forever
Seeking Alpha (15 April 09)
N.J. Pension System Deficit Rises to $34.4 Billion (Update2)
Bloomberg.com (16 April 09)
New Agency Data Show IRS
Downgraded Large Financial Services Audits
Trac IRS
Tax Protest Time
Safe Haven (14 April 09)
RPT-Feature-More Americans Wary of U.S. Tax Man This Year
Reuters.com (14 April 09)
Averting Depression as Consumer in U.S. Fades: Stephen Roach
Bloomberg.com (13 April 09)
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Incredibly Shrinking Market Liquidity, Or The Upcoming Black Swan Of Black Swans
Zero Hedge (10 April 09)
Adjusted Monetary Base
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (09 April 09)
NY Port Authority Paying Larry Silverstein $21.5 Million for “Development Tips”-Your Tax Dollars at Work!-
Daily News (14 April 09)
‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy Possible for G.M.
The New York Times (12 April 09)
Fed Said to Order Banks to Stay Mum on ‘Stress Test’ Results
Bloomberg.com (13 April 09)
Honest Man Emerges From Muck of Banking Crisis: Jonathan Weil
Bloomberg.com (13 April 09)
The Lessons of the Savings-and-Loan Crisis
Barrons (11 April 09)
North Carolina Town Prints Own Currency to Support Local Business
Democracy Now (09 April 09)
White House wealth: President Barack Obama’s Team Virtually all Chicago Millionaires
Chicago Tribune (09 April 09)
China Slows Purchases of U.S. and Other Bonds
The New York Times (12 April 09)
AIG in Spotlight Over Derivatives
Financial Times (12 April 09)
Entries by Karl Denninger: Asking?
The Market Ticker (13 April 09)
China Foreign Exchange Reserves at $1.954 Trillion
My Way (11 April 09)
Payback: Debt And The Shadow Side of Wealth
The CBC Massey Lectures 2008
Obama Stakes His Fortunes on Failed Banksters: Jonathan Weil
Bloomberg.com (09 April 09)
For the First Time Since the Nazis, Swiss Bankers Afraid to Travel
Four Winds10.Com (09 April 09)
Nader.org (10 April 09)
Swiss Government Goes on Offensive
The Sovereign Society
Assessing Treasury’s Strategy: Six Months of TARP
Congressional Oversight Panel (07 April 09)