Money & Markets – Week of 5.16.10

William Engdahl
Euro Slump Due To Planned Wall Street And Washington’s Attack – Read Article

Germans Fantasize About New Rich-Nation Currency Bloc That Doesn’t Even Include France
Business Insider (16 May 10)

NYSE Invokes Rule 48
CNBC (22 May 10)

Europe Sets Twin Sights On The City (17 May 10)

Japan’s GDP Grows Less Than Forecast, Pressuring BOJ (20 May 10)

Greek Central Bank Faces Short Selling Claims
Financial Times (19 May 10)

Shares Fall as Germany Moves to Restrict Trades
The New York Times (19 May 10)

Why Rand Paul’s Win Is A Horrible Sign For The Stock Market
Yahoo Finance (19 May 10)

Tradebot Shows Goldman What Minting Money Really Looks Like
Financial Times (17 May 10)

Wal-Mart Beats Street But Warns On Outlook
Reuters (18 May 10)

Speedy New Traders Make Waves Far From Wall St.
The New York Times (16 May 10)


Germany’s Plan To Deal With Budget Transgressors
Financial Times (19 May 10)

Banks Chalk Up 2 Wins As Senate Reform Bill Evolves
USA Today (19 May 10)

Oil Falls Below $69 to 8-month Low on Europe Fears
Yahoo Finance (19 May 10)

Summary Of Today’s Festivities From Goldman and Morgan Stanley: Run From The Euro
Zero Hedge (18 May 10)

Wednesday Trading Session Set To Be “The Most Volatile In Living Memory” Warns Telegraph, Plunge In Bunds Expected
Zero Hedge (18 May 10)

Cannibalizing Capital
American Thinker (18 May 10)

Volcker Sees Euro ‘Disintegration’ Risk From Greece (14 May 10)

Inflation Hits 3.7% in April (18 May 10)


U.S. May Empire State Index Slows To 19.1
MarketWatch (17 May 10)

Global Demand For U.S. Assets Rose To Record In March (17 May 10)

O’Neill Says Idea of Euro Breakup Within a Year Is ‘Ridiculous’ (17 May 10)

Sovereign Funds Tightened the Spigot
The Wall Street Journal (17 May 10) [Must subscribe to read full article]

TIAA-CREF Plans Expansion Into Fund Management for Endowments (17 May 10)

Goldman Case Gets Decisive, Compassionate Jurist
Yahoo Finance (16 May 10)

Navigatingthe Fiscal ChallengesAhead (PDF)
Fiscal Monitor (14 May 10)

Waddell Is Mystery Trader In Market Plunge
Reuters (14 May 10)

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan in Massachusetts Swap Probe (14 May 10)

The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We’ve Been Told
Washington Blog (13 May 10)

Argentina: Greek Financial Rescue Doomed to Fail
MSNBC (12 May 10)