Money & Markets – Week of 9.19.10

‘Macro’ Forces in Market Confound Stock Pickers
The Wall Street Journal (24 Sept 10)

Brazil Basks in Record Petrobras Deal
Reuters (24 Sept 10)

Battle Of The Streets: Main Vs Wall Resumes As UAW Announces Will Pull Funds From JP Morgan Chase
Zero Hedge (23 Sept 10)

Wal-Mart’s CEO Provides The Starkest Visual Of The Modern Bread Line Yet
Zero Hedge (22 Sept 10)

The Delphi Disaster: An Economic Horror Story Obama Won’t Tell
Michelle Malkin (22 Sept 10)

QE2 In Round Trillions (20 Sept 10)

Wen Says 20% Gain in Yuan Would Cause Social Upheaval
Bloomberg (23 Sept 10)

Germany Again Openly Opposes IMF, Says Will Not Extend European Bail Out Facility Beyond 2013
Zero Hedge (22 Sept 10)

True Values in Business
Business Matters (23 Sept 10)

GoldSeek Radio Interviews GATA’s Fitts on Unreliability of ETFs
GATA (21 Sept 10)

Fearing a Soaring Deficit, Many Analysts Favor Letting Bush Tax Cuts Expire
The Washington Post (21 Sept 10)

Companies Favor Big State Schools With One-Stop Shopping for Graduates With Necessary Skills
Yahoo Finance (13 Sept 10)

The Backlash Begins Against The World Landgrab (12 Sept 10)

To Create Jobs, Nurture Start-Ups
The New York Times (11 Sept 10)

How to Cheat a Retirement Fund
The New York Times (10 Sept 10)

One In Five Hotel-Backed Loans Is Now Delinquent
Zero Hedge (10 Sept 10)

Value vs Momentum Chart of The Day
Reuters (10 Sept 10)

For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again
Yahoo Finance (21 Sept 10)

BHP’s Potash Bid Seen Running Into Next Year
Reuters (21 Sept 10)

AIER Raises
Local Pro?le (PDF)

Berkshire Trade & Commerce (Oct 10)

Defense M&A Deals Fetching Rich Premiums
Reuters (21 Sept 10)

U.S. Recession Ended in June 2009, NBER Finds
MarketWatch (20 Sept 10)

Brazil’s Central Bank President Says no Country Can Hold Dollar Up
GATA (20 Sept 10)

Malaysian Bond Boost For Renminbi
Financial Times (19 Sept 10)

Bill Buckler Discusses The Last Price Standing Of “True Money”, Answers The Only Question Relevant To Gold Bugs
Zero Hedge (19 Sept 10)