***CAF Note: I have a lot of respect for people who take out a blank sheet of paper and write down how they would organize an economic system here on planet Earth. This one came in over the transom from a neighbor in Memphis who has done some very serious reading and research. It is worth reading and asking yourself, “OK, what would I do?”***
By Myridin mythgard1.0@gmail.com
It has become fashionable in intellectual circles today to talk about the impending doom of civilization. A less obvious fact is that in the wake of this attitude, it is becoming a less and less fashionable pursuit to expend any of that same intellect in trying to devise any viable plans for the future. We think that there are still many individuals who are willing to work for a better future. However, lately there seems to be a shortage of dreamers and planners to inspire them, and give them anything solid to work towards.
So, for the pleasure, and hopefully the enlightenment of those who will stop, listen, and appreciate, I offer a dream.
This book’s name is a derivation of Midgard which was connected to Asgard (home of the Gods) by the Bifrost Bridge. Considering our research of a terrestrial civilization connected to an outer space faring civilization, it seemed appropriate.