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Here is the message from their new year’s newsletter:


How was the festive season for you?

Welcome to a new year.

Feels to me like it will be a good year for lots of people.

More of us getting our hands in the dirt and eating fresh local food.

May I give you a challenge for 2010?

Get to know the people in your own street.

If you count 10 houses to your left and right on both sides of the road. How many of those 40 homes do you know the occupants on a first name basis?

Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with at least one primary householder from the closest 40 homes to your residence.

So what is the easiest way to do this?

Who is the longest resident in your street? Or the most connected?

You could have a chat with them first to find out who they know to get you started.

You could go door to door and just introduce yourself, if that’s your style.

Or you could organise a street meet event to get the ball going.

Up to you. Let us know how you go.

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