Oh, boy! A movie about Kathryn Bolkovac is on the way. I can’t wait! Here is the description:
Kathryn Bolkovac is a Nebraska cop who is thrust into the gravelly snake pit of UN regulated Bosnia. She works as part of a private corporate army, training Bosnian police to restore order to the war-torn country.
After finding a woman who has escaped from a human trafficker selling sex slaves to hidden brothels in the area, Kathryn begins to see how expansive an industry it has become in the years following the war.
Based on the harrowing true story of a single woman’’s quest for justice in the face of a truth no one wanted to expose and organizations facilitating the very crimes they were created to stop. But is one woman enough to go up against the United Nations and its corporate conspirators…
Read about The Whistleblower movie – now in pre-production.
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