Out of Control Control

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The Buddha said, “Those who are awake live in a state of constant amazement.” If you have been following the science and technology news posted on our blog this week, you have spent the week in a state of constant amazement.

The NSA wants to make sure we appreciate that they can listen to everything we say – through whatever medium. Harvard and the scientific community want us to understand that they can direct our thoughts or actions. This of course means that if we manage to have our own thoughts and actions, that enforcement agencies can call up experts to testify that our testimony consists of false memories.

Not to be outdone, DARPA is slapping out contracts to simply reinvent our DNA to their liking. No need to ask permission, just spray overhead.

Best of all, it appears that most of this is funded with our tax dollars.

The business of control continues to shift into a resource rich state that is out of control.

Related Reading:

Scientists Make Mice “Remember” Things That Didn’t Happen

Harvard Creates Brain-to-Brain Interface, Allows Humans to Control Other Animals With Thoughts Alone

DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome

From 2011- Darpa Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda