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1. Introduction & Theme – 0:00 – Theme = “All Fall Down” from the nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosie; as the cash flows recede and numerous arrangements are fraying, failing, falling and changing; thank heavens for the Christmas and the Holidays. I have chestnuts roasting in the oven, my Tennessee office smells lovely, the decorations are up and it is time to ignore the news and make merry. …
2. Money & Markets – 3:39 — The top story this week was the Congressional passage of this years National Defense Authorization Act with provisions for detaining people considered to be suspected terrorists. The Bill was sent to the White House today. The bill creates a new codified legal basis for the detention of suspected terrorists and their allies. The final legislation states that nothing in it may be “construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.” Not sure I agree with Senator Levin on this: The current so called law on detention and the definition of what a terrorist keep getting murkier and murkier. This bill underscores why I get so concerned about constitutional amendments. I believe that the language affirmatively protecting US citizens was removed. Change the Constitution and suddenly this bill therefore has a much different meaning. That is why participating in grassroots movements that make the idea of a constitutional amendment or a constitutional convention fashionable, give some very dangerous people the power to hijack the process in ways that will lead to day to day violence than most middle class Americans have ever experienced. Currently, the single most profitable business in America is slavery… but it is slavery engineered with control files and covert operations. Compromise the Constitution and slavery will move into the open. It is important to remember that we do not have an economic problem. We have a political problem. We need to worry about law that protects everyone, in addition to protecting our assets. Ultimately they are one and the same. The MF Global saga continued; Housing Market: More reports of softness in the market despite continued low interest rates. Markets vary tremendously by place….but expect this softness to continue for some time. The market can not clear and the official government and banking policies are making it so. Capital is being preserved for government and corporate debt, not residential housing. Gold price …
3. Ask Catherine (#1) – 14:52 – Volatility in the markets; Ron Paul; The PRUNE BOOK and the PLUM BOOK: http://www.excellenceintransition.org/ – Prunes online …
4. Solari Hero & Interview – 19:55 — Peter Dale Scott is a Canadian born, former English professor at the University of California, Berkeley, a former diplomat and a poet. Is the government is still in control of the war machine or has power shifted to private hands? Kennedy assassination; Vietnam; pervasive drugs; violence; Federal Reserve; reefer madness; understanding history helps us make more sense of these things. …
5. Ask Catherine (#2) – 1:22:37 – Follow-up on Franklin Sanders’ recommendation from last week’s Solari Report …
6. Up Next & Closing – 1:23:16 — January 5 – Year End Wrap-up; January 12 – Precious Metals Market Report; January 19 – Lynn McTaggart; Want to wish you the happiest of holidays. Very special time of year for me. December 24th is my birthday. I will be over with Franklin and Susan Sanders at Christ Our Hope Church. We have evening services on the 24th and then Sunday services on Christmas Day, celebrating the birth of Christ. We will be giving thanks for many things, including all of you. Thank you for your interest, your questions, your feedback and all you do in the world. We have had a great year together and I look forward to 2012—the year we have all been waiting for! …
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This Thursday evening on The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with former diplomat, professor, historian and poet, Peter Dale Scott. Peter is the author of numerous books on American political history and “deep politics.” I recently reviewed his latest book, The American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan:
“Peter Dale Scott…has long been considered mandatory reading for serious students of the “deep politics” of American power. His new book, however, is a tour de force, integrating decades of serious scholarship and unique insight and sources. Skillfully written, it abounds with the grace and forgiveness of the mature master who appreciates that positive solutions begin with transparency about the means – as well as collective complicity and denial – that delivered us into our current condition.”
Peter is a brilliant historian and thinker. He is also a gracious, wonderful human being. Each time I read his books or enjoy one of his poems or, best of all, have the rare opportunity to speak with him, I leave the experience feeling richly informed and more coherent.
I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine. I will be addressing the recent drop in precious metals prices and related events, including the Euro deal and developments regarding MF Global.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, a comment on Guerrilla News Network’s award winning short, Crack the CIA, that addresses allegations of government involvement in narcotics trafficking during the crack cocaine epidemic.
[arve url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/L7D4BipyvS4″ frameborder=”0″ width=”325″ height=”242″>
Talk to you Thursday!
If you have comments, thoughts or questions that you would like me to address, please post by Thursday.
Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, Skype or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it is posted on Friday.
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