In response to the Supreme Court’s decision on Valdez, I would like to ask for prayers for all the people and living things harmed by the Valdez spill and for the people of Alaska. I would also request prayers for the people who work at and lead Exxon and own or manage funds which own Exxon stock who have profited from Exxon’s actions before, during and after Valdez through this decision – that they should each see and feel their personal and intimate financial participation in this event and act accordingly to do the right thing.
If you own Exxon stock, why not sell and restore a portion of your profits resulting from the negligence that resulted in the Valdez spill and subsequent litigation management back to those whose economic value was drained on your behalf? If you buy gas, why not do everything possible to never patronize Exxon again?
Tonight I was coming home from middle Tennessee. I was low on gas and passed three gas stations that were closed. Finally, my gas gauge hit reserve as I came into a small town. There was only one station open. Of course, it was an Exxon Mobil station. I bought only enough gas to get me to the next largest town and then fifteen minutes later bought a full tank a different gas station.
Imagine if we all just did what would could?
Read the full Supreme Court Decision