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The Solari Report 2016-05-26
Precious Metals Charts
“Properly understood, good money is good, not because of the motives of its owners, but because of its own intrinsic character. Truly good money will produce far more social benefits than any amount of bad money spent with good intentions.”
~ Reg Howe
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on the Solari Report, Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger joins me to take a look at precious metals markets.
Franklin and I will review the likelihood that the primary trend in gold and silver is returning. Franklin has more confidence in the outlook for 2016. I am concerned that the number of plausible and unpredictable scenarios are growing across all asset classes. So expect a lively discussion!
We will discuss signs around the globe that the build-out of the gold trading system continues, including the Chinese purchase of a London depository and the State of Texas moving forward with plans for a state depository available to citizens.
We will post Franklin’s charts in the subscriber area in this post on Thursday. Please make sure you login to access them as you listen to the interview audio. They will be posted in the final transcript.
I will also invite Franklin’s comments on what I learned on my trip to Australia.
In Lets Go to the Movies, I recommend Will Smith’s latest film, Concussion, that tells the story of Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who fought efforts to suppress his research on brain degeneration suffered by professional football players
No Money & Markets. Catherine will answer your questions for the Ask Catherine section next week.
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