Precious Metals Market Report – 10.13.11

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The Solari Report 2011-10-13


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Transcript of this week’s Solari Report

Audio Chapters

1. Introduction – 0:00   – Globalization exploding; Congress passes trade deal; largest expansion since NAFTA. …

2. Movie – 0:18 — Blue Gold: Water Wars – Access to and control of water is behind numerous wars and investment shifts we are watching. A proposed sale of the water company in Missoula, Montana to the Carlyle Group is a reminder of the questions that privatization pose. …

4.Theme – 0:26 — Slow, slow, slow the boat …global economic slowdown theme throughout most events these days.

4.Money & Markets – 1:03   — Gensler on swaps connections between Europe and US, Herman Cain designed to help Romney; Perry still not able to checkmate Ron Paul amazing in polls; … lots of money being spent on Romney; either way, on both sides are candidates who are… Harvard Corporation run-off; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, state capitol files for bankruptcy; counted on bubble revenues; preliminary approval of GMO fish; see Bertram Verhaag previous blog posts & recommended documentaries; salmon, larger and aggressive; decimate natural fish if they get out. …

5. Precious Metals Market Report – 11:02   – What happened in September; what’s the updated EOY prediction for silver and gold? causes of this bull market have not changed; European banks are working with US Fed trying to engineer a solution; comparison to 2006 and 2008; we are having to learn how to play economic warfare like we’ve never done before; Kiplinger newsletter reflection of slow burn action, now predicting significant increase in inflation after the election: volume today was not like it was in 2008; people are making huge commitments to silver and gold; how to communicate about people who believe in slavery? but yes, there is law; we have to be our own law; everybody more or less knew what ‘common law’ was; it’s the sort that won’t be broken; Occupy Wall Street: protests giving attention to those protested against; a way to channel anger. …beware any proposal for Constitutional Convention.

5. Up Next & Closing – 1:01:00   — …
Jamie Johnson on Engaging America in a Real Conversation; Playwright, Patrick Shanley; Nov 13-Edwin Vieira, author of Pieces of Eight


[Click each chart to view larger image.]

By Catherine Austin Fitts

We have a lot to talk about.

Events in the financial and precious metals markets are a clear indication of the tremendous change underway. I am back in Tennessee and headed east on Thursday to join Franklin Sanders for dinner and the Precious Metals Markets Report.

I will start with Money & Markets. Franklin and I will focus on questions on precious metals. Post your questions in the comments section for this blog post.

Franklin will update us on precious metals markets and the events of the last month. Then we are going to review the precious metals markets over the last decade and major price swings along the way, including in 2006 and 2008. Check out the charts posted on the private blog on gold and silver’s volatility since 2003.

We will revisit our price expectations for 2011 and address the conundrum facing investors looking to preserve wealth today: managing volatility vs. enduring debasement.

Our movie this week is Blue Gold – World Water Wars. Access to and control of water is behind numerous wars and investment shifts we are watching. A proposed sale of the water company in Missoula, Montana to the Carlyle Group is a reminder of the questions that privatization pose.

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If you have not watched last week’s movie Longitude, I strongly recommend it to you. The feedback has been quite strong and it is available online here. It describes the age-old tug of war between privilege and innovation which is depressing our economy today.

Talk to you Thursday!

If you have comments, thoughts or questions that you would like me to address, please post by Thursday.

Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, Skype or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it is posted on Friday.

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