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The Solari Report – June 9, 2011
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By Catherine Austin Fitts
Monitoring and researching the gold and silver markets is something I do each day. However, there is nothing I enjoy more than stepping back once a month to chew on these subjects with Franklin Sanders on our Solari Report. Sure enough, this week it’s the Precious Metals Market Report.
SPDR Gold Trust
[click on the image for a larger version]
Franklin and I have lots to talk about – if the summer correction is here, why is gold hitting new highs? What’s happening to the gold-silver ratio? Those in a position to swap from silver to gold in early May are glad they did. Will it stay that way?
We will also cover the final two dates in our Precious Metals: The Top Ten Dates in American History:
- the re-legalization of private gold ownership in 1975; and
- “weak dollar, strong dollar” about the management of the gold prices from 1985 through the price suppression beginning in the mid 1990’s.
An updated transcript of the first eight dates is available at subscribers control panel and in your Precious Metals Library
I will start with Money & Markets. In Ask Catherine, we will focus on your precious metals questions, including a reminder that the deadline for FBAR filings approaches on June 30 and noting recent updates to FBAR regulations.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, a comment on the movie Rogue Trader, a fictional account about former Singapore based derivatives broker Nick Leeson and the 1995 collapse of Barings Bank, attributed to Leeson’s unauthorized trading. The collapse of UK’s oldest investment bank occurred right as the strong dollar policy and related machinations in Asia got underway. Staring Ewan McGregor, it is based on Leeson’s 1996 book Rogue Trader: How I Brought Down Barings Bank and Shook the Financial World.
Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, Skype or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it posted on Friday. If you would like to learn more about The Solari Report and subscribe, click here.
Solari Report Digest podcasts are a great way to introduce your friends and network to The Solari Report. The newest one is excellent with highlights from Colonel Wilkerson’s interview on geopolitics and my discussion with Jim Norman on oil geopolitics. Click here.
Subscribers will find a transcript for Colonel Wilkerson’s interview at their control panel. Stay tuned for one for Norman’s interview up shortly.