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The Solari Report – 10 Sept 2009
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This is the second week of the month. That means I am headed over to Westpoint, Tennessee on Thursday, September 10, with a fine bottle of wine to join Franklin Sanders, his wife Susan, and their family for dinner at the Sanders homestead down the road from their Top of the World Farm.
The next three months will be a unique time in our history. Those who control the levers of power globally are pushing for unprecedented legal and capital control. The dynamics of globalization are shifting as people everywhere feel the economic imperatives of re-localization.
Now is a good time to see through the games and stay focused on what is real – including family, friends, finances and freedom.
After a lively dinner, Franklin and I will join you for The Solari Report. We will cover:
- Money & Markets and answering some great questions from subscribers;
- New developments in the precious metals market;
- Our checklist of key events and trends this fall and winter;
- What this means to the 2010 US federal budget, health care and other legislative efforts; and
- Options for shifting out of a falling US dollar.
If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, you can post your questions at your private panel. If you have key events and trends you would like us to address in our discussion, please do post them at the private panel.
Subscribers can access our full archive, including our precious metals reports. Here are key topics that The Solari Report has covered so far this year:
- Top 10 FAQ’s of Buying Silver and Gold Coins
- Ten Commandments of Gold and Silver Buying
- Top FAQ’s about Precious Metals Markets
- Options for an IRA or Tax-managed Account to Own Physical Precious Metals
- Trading the Gold-Silver Ratio
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) – Is the Gold and Silver Really in Inventory?
- Traveling with Gold Coins
If you would like to learn more about The Solari Report and subscribe, click here. To sign up for our Solari Report Digest, click here.
View this week’s Money & Markets Charts at the blog (published Thursday morning.)