Precious Metals Market Report

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The Solari Report – 11 March 2010

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This Saturday night was one of the most fascinating evenings I’ve had in a long time. David Liechty and I had dinner with Franklin Sanders and attended a meeting of Tennesseans for Liberty.

Franklin was asked to say a few words on an impromptu basis. He described the average annual food purchases of $200 million + in a county of 100,000 people. He then traced how we went from a society where lots of local income and equity were created by raising and growing the food that we purchased to one in which our food comes from 1,000 + miles away. Meantime, our incomes and equity fall and many are unemployed. He then connected the dots between the demise of our local farm income, using chickens and raw milk as examples, with changes in federal and state food “safety” regulations and federal monetary policy.

This Thursday, I am going to ask Franklin to walk through this important discussion on our Precious Metals Market Report on this week’s Solari Report. The health of our bodies and the health of our money are intimately connected both in our personal lives and in our financial ecosystems.

And given what is happening in the precious metals markets, there is a lot to talk about. That includes the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) letter to the Commodities Future Trading Commission published today. GATA Appeals to CFTC to Act Against Manipulative Shorts.

In Money & Markets I will be covering the financial news and give a special report on HR 4173: Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009.

In Let’s Go to the Movies we will be talking about Morgan Spurlock’s award winning documentary about McDonalds Super Size Me. I want to connect the dots to my struggle to find ways of investing in food without channeling investment to GMO and fast food.

Super Size Me – Video Google

If there are questions you want me to address in Ask Catherine or to ask Franklin, please post them at the your subscriber cart.

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This week’s Money & Markets Charts will be posted here on Thursday.

“See” you Thursday night!

~ Catherine