Transformations & Renewals
A Gathering: October 12-14, 2012
We invite you to a gathering in the beautiful countryside of Tennessee this October to meet many other wonderful people just like you. We want to explore how we can manage the change that is accelerating in our lives and how we can find, network and help each other to be more intelligent, more joyful and more of service in the days ahead.
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Transcript of the Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders [PDF]
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Audio Chapters
1. Introduction & Theme – 0:00 Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders. Foods are on everyone’s mind as gas and food prices increase. Hottest month in U.S. recorded history was July. Last week’s Solari Report was Nick Bryant and it is highly recommended. A great description of what kind of world this is where law enforcement helps out a pedophilia network and what it means to have a control file against you. Theme tonight is “The Tension Grows.”
2. Money & Markets – 02:22 International story is the global slow-down. India’s economy challenged by black out. EU struggles as well. Complexity of central control is hurting everyone. Next year’s fiscal cliff in U.S. Many of these problems are engineered. Federal Budget balance sheet doesn’t account for resources and assets that we’ve gained. More stories about offshore tax havens. Wozniak about how iCloud could promote huge problems. Records could be completely lost so it’s important to archive. Fears and concerns about martial law due to drought. Government is preparing but martial law is unlikely. Google hit with fine about breaking privacy agreements. LIBOR squabble. Tony Blair suggests that UK may leave EU – remainder of historical tensions between UK and Germany.
3. Solari Hero – 11:45 Hero this week was Dr. Peter Harvey, author and doctor in London. Draws connection between autism and bowel disease. Courageous contribution regarding the risks of vaccinations.
4. Ask Catherine – 13:10 “My family and I hold a physical gold account at a major swiss bank (UBS) and we would like to transfer it to a safe place outside the banking system. Any suggestions? Would you be so kind as to be as specific as possible?”
5. Interview – 16:55 Gold broke out and is starting to settle before plummeting. The final kiss goodbye. August is a typical time for the Precious Metal Market to slow down due to vacations. Wall Street Journal reported the 5 year anniversary of the European putting emergency currency into the market causing a crash; gold and corn have risen from that. Long term strategy seems to be working. Last year gold was up 8% and this year only 2%. Stock markets have outperformed Gold in the last year and a half. ’09 and ’10 were great years for Gold and Silver and now it’s slowed down. Yield on a 10-year note has bottomed and broken. In the last 3 days its gapped up twice. Dollar index rose today but bond prices fell. Currency situation seems more desperate than it appears. Review of Basel Accords and Fed/OCC/FDIC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking implementing combination of Basel III and Dodd-Frank. (see chart at blog for notes on changes). Basel III is going to move banks to utility model, more centrally controlled. Slow burn is going to take a big step forward. If you aren’t banking locally, you definitely want to. Election will cause markets to hold-breath. Slow down for 4 to 5 months. No fundamental change in strategy, inflation of money supply by central banks will increase.
6. Let’s Go To The Movies! – 51:38 Franklin has started juicing after Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. This week’s movie, May I Be Frank. Sicilian from NY moves out to San Francisco, and goes to a cafe of organic food. Volunteers as a project to fix himself by juicing and raw food. His tests show him Hepatitis C negative. Despite what’s going on in the world, Catherine feels the need to get really radical about protecting health. So let’s get healthy so we can take all this on. Franklin has noticed weight-loss and feels great but he’s hungry. 51 year old diabetic gets off of insulin from gluten free diet. Discover the joys of fresh food.
7. Up Next & Closing – 55:48 Bodacious Ho-Down. 1st of September, festival like farming gathering. Plenty of games, supper, bbq pork and chicken. A southern experience. Email Franklin and find out more at Top of the World Farming website. Transformations and Renewals, October 12 through 14. Anxious to see what will happen. Everybody who attends plays a role. Pivotal roots where groups get together to swap answers. A gathering where good people could meet and discover others like themselves. Aug 16, Best books Pt. 2, then View From Silicone Valley; a view of technology. Aug 30th, Inside The Propaganda Matrix with Jon Rappoport.
Resources for this week’s Solari Report:
Key Provisions of the Basel III and Standardized Approach NPRs as Compared to the Current Risk-Based and Leverage Capital Rules
The first two columns of this table and its title are taken from the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
The third column of this table prepared for Solari by Carolyn A. Betts, Esq. – Current Treatment/Comments
Small Banks Are Blunt in Dislike of New Rules – The Wall Street Journal 7 August 2012
By Catherine Austin Fitts
It’s time for the Precious Metals Market Report. I will be speaking to you from the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in Wisconsin and Franklin will be “on the farm” in Tennessee.
We will review recent developments in the gold and silver markets, including the FDIC and Federal Reserve issuance of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to adopt the Basel III capital requirements. If adopted as currently proposed, would gold shift to a lower risk weighting, even a zero risk weighting in 2015 for purposes of calculating bank capital?
The slowing of the global economy continues, compounded by serious drought and weather problems.
Drought Monitor 31 July 2012
The signs of possible deflation are growing along with indications of real economic pain, including a significant drop in the US Garbage Indicator.
I want to revisit how gold performs historically in periods of deflation. If you have not read one of my favorite pieces on this topic, here is a link to an analysis of gold and deflation written by Bob Landis some years ago – but still as relevant as ever.
I will also discuss with Franklin some of the information covered in last week’s Solari Report and how to make sure your children and grandchildren are safe.
In Lets Go to the Movies, I will review another juicing and raw food movie. This one comes from California, about a customer of San Francisco’s Cafe Gratitude, May I Be Frank? Franklin and I have both been juicing since watching the highly recommended selection we discussed in last month’s Precious Metals Market Report, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.
I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine. Post your questions at the blog!
Listen live on Thursday night or on the blog – the mp3 audio will be posted on Friday.