Precious Metals Market Report – 9.8.11

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The Solari Report 2011-09-08


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Audio Chapters
1. Introduction – 0:00 – New Subscriber Blog

2. Theme – 3:26 — Reinventing Everything; Change is accelerating; we have to reinvent our lives and economy. Challenge is how do you do it when all the money in the world is showering the world with false promises followed up by another round frauds. Sweater Weather – first day that you put on sweater, in the cape in Massachusetts …

3. Money & Markets – 5:39 — My viewpoint as an investment advisor is economic warfare….and I focus on the really big plays. Two ways to deal- one with inside information-other is what Franklin is “Align with the primary trend”; It looks like a new primary trend may be gathering in North America. Let’s look at some of the signs. Chamber study – Repatriation of $1 trillion offshore. Mortgage debt being cycled into government who is laying the grounds for transferring it back to the large financial institutions at a much lower price. With buybacks and refinancing proposed by the Administration and lawsuits by FHHFA — massive clean up of mortgage liabilities problems – fraudulent inducement, MERS. Reposition/gentrify real estate, reengineer government money, and introduce new technology – enormous domestic capital gains. Watching the signals unfold. Also: unemployment; real estate; European bank crisis; Ron Paul; President’s speech;

4. Solari Hero – 23:08 — Families of people killed in 911 who have worked tirelessly to illuminate the truth of 911 as well as architects, engineers and scientists…]

5. Ask Catherine – 24:05 — Fukushima effects? Very serious …

6. Interview: Franklin Sanders – 26:01 – Franklin and I review recent developments in the precious metals markets and discuss the outlook for the fall. What will it take to turn around the economy, inspired by feedback to my commentary “It’s Time to Bring Our Mortgages Home” and Franklin’s Revitalizing Local Economies and Restoring Freedom in Tennessee. I also want to talk about how and when local investment can increase or decrease your overall investment risk.
Find a pathway to building a real private market for what you do, what you have.

5. Ask Catherine (continues) – 57:48 – How does Clif High explain why his predictions of collapse didn’t come true? Advantage to investing in physical gold and silver as opposed to an ETF? Are there any ETFs that are backed by physical metal?

5. Movie – 1:05 – RSA Animation (at blog); abuse of the law of attraction, wonderfully applied …

7. Up Next – 1:07 – Peter Ireland on Financing For the Rest of Us; Adam Trombly on Zero Point Energy; Third Quarter 2011 Wrap-up …

Numerous issues are coming to a head — sovereign debt, mortgage debt, student debt are just a few I will talk about on Thursday evening on this week’s Solari Report.  There is growing panic as more and more people come to appreciate the instability in the various systems and leadership behavior. The recent rises in precious metals prices reflect the wider concern. Gold is the safe haven place to be right now.

I will start with Money & Markets. Questions for Ask Catherine will focus on precious metals.

Franklin Sanders will join me to review recent developments in the precious metals markets and a discussion of the outlook for the fall. Then  a discussion of what it is going to take to turn around the economy, inspired by feedback to my commentary “Its Time to Bring Our Mortgages Home” and Franklin’s Revitalizing Local Economies  and Restoring Freedom in Tennessee. I also want to talk about how and when local investment can increase or decrease your overall investment risk.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, we will talk about the RSA Animation of Barbara Ehrenreich’s description of the thesis of her excellent book Bright-Sided and how it dovetails with what is happening in the economy.


Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, Skype or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it posted on Friday. If you are calling in by phone, make sure to check out the local access numbers available.

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