Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders

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The Solari Report 2016-02-18

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Notes for Money & Markets

Read the notes for this week’s Money & Markets here (PDF)

Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2016-02-18

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The theme this week is “The Future is What’s Coming For Us “.

Money & Markets

This week in Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.

Ask Catherine

Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Let’s Go to the Movies!

Catherine reviews Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief.

Hero of the Week

Justice Scalia.


February 25 – Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy with Professor Kelly M. Greenhill

March 03 – The Future of America: What’s the Plan? with Dr. Joseph Farrell

March 10 – A Solari Report with Jon Rappoport

“With the US dollar still in correction mode one would think that commodities would be going through the roof like the precious metals complex but that’s not the case. It appears that everything but the precious metals complex is starting to gather momentum to the downside.
~ Rambus

This week on the Solari Report, Franklin Sanders of  The Moneychanger joins me to take a look at precious metals markets:

  • How gold and silver performed in 2015…and why.
  • Performance to date in 2016…could the consolidation finally be over? Or is the current rally temporary as it was in early 2015?
  • Storage options for gold and silver – subscribers have been sending questions about global and domestic depositories.

Franklin and I will review the likelihood that the primary trend in gold and silver is returning. Franklin has more confidence in the outlook for in 2016. I am concerned that the number of plausible and unpredictable scenarios are growing across all asset classes. So expect a lively discussion!

One thing is certain – the dramatic rise in gold and silver prices in the past two weeks indicates uncertainty across global economies and markets. Below are charts of gold and silver versus the S&P 500 and aggregate bond ETF (AGG) since January 1, 2009. We will post Franklin’s charts in the subscriber area in this post on Thursday.  Please make sure you login to access them as you listen to the interview audio. They will be posted in the final transcript.

(click on these images to view full-size versions)

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief:

Thank you for your recommendations for our Money & Markets segment and your questions for Ask Catherine. Keep ’em coming!

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