Precious Metals – Week of 06.14.15

Roy Sebag And Josh Crumb View On BullionVault
Seeking Alpha | 28 May 2015
Majority don’t properly understand our business model…

Indian Bond Proposal Aims to Paperize Gold
Gata | 19 June 2015
Deposit scheme aims to…

Bloomberg News confirms Texas’ gold isn’t at NY Fed
Gata | 19 June 2015
Vault in midtown Manhattan — and is worth about…

Koos Jansen: Bank of England Custodial Gold Drops 351 Tonnes
Gata | 18 June 2015
Reserves held…

Bank of China Joins Auction Setting Gold Prices in London
Gata | 16 June 2015
Increasing its influence in…

Weekend Report…Part 1…The End is Nigh ?
Rambus Chartology | 14 June 2015
Reversal point signaled…

Writing’s On The Wall: Texas Pulls $1 Billion In Gold From NY Fed, Makes It “Non-Confiscatable”
ZeroHedge | 14 June 2015
Implicit subordination of The Fed’s gold…