CME Declares Force Majeure at Manhattan Gold Depository
Fox Business | 26 November 2012
MTB, one of five depositories licensed to deliver gold against CME’s benchmark 100-troy ounce gold contract, held 29,276 troy ounces of gold and 33,000 troy ounces of palladium as of Nov. 23, according to data from CME subsidiary Comex.
A More Effective Euro Area Monetary Policy than OMTs -Gold-Backed Sovereign Debt
European Parlament | September 2012
This note argues that using gold as collateral for highly distressed bonds would bring great benefits to the euro area in terms of reduced financing costs and bridge-financing.
Alasdair Macleod: Custody Arrangements Reduce Security for GLD and SLV Shareholders
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee | 27 November 2012
GLD, the New York Stock Exchange-listed gold exchange-traded fund, appears to have quietly removed key investor protection with the apparent agreement of United Kingdom regulators.