Precious Metals – Week of 12.06.09

Gold Market Updated :A Contrarian’s Dilemma (PDF)
Zero Hedge (Dec 2009)

Gold: Expect a Technical Correction Before the Final Frontie
Seeking Alpha (07 Dec 09)

Bank of Korea Sees ‘Illusion’ in Gold, No Cash Return (08 Dec 09)

The Great Gold Scandal
GATA (07 Dec 09)

Gold Can’t Beat Checking Accounts 30 Years After Peak (07 Dec 09)

Kuwait Sells Citi Stake, Makes $1.1 Billion Profit
Reuters (07 Dec 09)

Commodity Funds Get Physical
MSN Money (04 Dec 09)

Funds Grow Uneasy As Gold Glitters
Financial Times (06 dec 09) [Must subscribe to read full article.]

Oldie But Goodie:
Missing Gold
9-11 Research (Nov 2009)