Precious Metals – Week of 4.11.10

Bottom line:  COMEX Commercials Jump All Over The Short Side of Both Gold And Silver

Got Gold Report (9 April 10)

James Turk: Another Short Squeeze In The Precious Metals
GATA (12 April 10)

Trader Blows Whistle On Gold and Silver Price Manipulation
Jesses Crossroads Cafe (11 April 10)

The Fannie & Freddie Fallout
Yahoo Finance (April 2010)

Sinclair’s Latest: Gold Reclassified With Pornography (April 10)

Max Keiser’s ‘On the Edge’ Interviews GATA Secretary
GATA (10 April 10)

Gene Arensberg: Large Commercials Vastly Increase Gold, Silver Shorting
GATA (8 April 10)