[Note from CAF: The Economist is laying the philosophic basis for eminent domain actions on scale. Given the recent leads about the TransPacific negotiations and the President’s proposal for private financing of infrastructure, combined with the efforts to push through gun control, get ready for a top down reengineering of land ownership and management on scale.]
By The Economist
The halo has slipped from Aung San Suu Kyi’s head, at least in the eyes of the monks and villagers of Ah Lay Daw. The Nobel peace prizewinner, who has resumed her career as a working politician in Myanmar, dismayed villagers earlier this month by giving her backing to the development of a copper mine on nearby Letpadaung Mountain, on land that was confiscated from them by the government.
Related Reading:
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership on Wikipedia
Obama Unveils Plans to Pump Billions Into US Infrastructure in Miami Speech
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership