P.S. Financial Fraud vs Financial Coup d’etat

P.S. Financial Fraud vs Financial Coup d’etat
By Catherine Austin Fitts – Scoop Independent News (11 Dec 2007)

Catherine Austin Fitts’ Mapping the Real Deal ~ A Serialized Story ~ Part 20 of 20 (publishing August / December 2007).

Post script to:

Dillon Read & Co. Inc. And the Aristocracy of Stock Profits

“What those who love freedom most need right now is an honest map. The theft of billions in the mortgage market was not a fraud — it was a plan. The success of this plan is unfolding before our eyes. If you wish to understand what is really happening to your savings, to your community, to your pension fund, to your world- it — you should read “Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits” and explore the wealth of supporting documentation.”