Reid: Food Safety Bill Is on Hold

Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday the Senate will not take up long-pending food safety legislation before the Nov. 2 elections, citing a Republican senator’s objections.

Reid announced on the Senate floor that “we’re not going to be able to get this done before we go home for the elections.” Reid and Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin have been trying to move the bill quickly, but Tom Coburn , R-Okla., who has a long list of concerns about the legislation, has blocked them.

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Catherine Austin Fitts’ Blog Commentaries

On the Food “Safety” Bill
(30 Aug 10)

Action Alert on Senate Food Safety Bill
(13 April 10)

Senate Food Safety Bill – Take Action
(6 Jan 10)

Food Safety Debate Continues . . .
(28 Oct 09)

Uh-Oh – Food “Safety” Bill
25 Oct 09)

Food Safety Bill – HR2749 – Update
(28 June 09)

New Food Safety Bill – HR2749
(16 June 09)