Rosalie Bertell and Planet Earth as a Weapon

[CAF Note: I just finished reading Planet Earth by Rosalie Bertell. Rather than review it, I am linking to Dr. Farrell’s review from 2011]

By Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

In my search to find information regarding the possibility of earthquake wars and planetary-scale weapons engineering, I came across this interesting review:

Planet Earth the Latest Weapon of War

If this review is an accurate representation of Dr. Bertell’s book and its contents – and I have already placed an order for it – then this may be a crucial bit of data for serious researchers. As anyone who has read my own books – The Giza Death Star Trilogy, The Comic War, and my upcoming book co-authored with my friend Dr. Scott D. de Hart, The Grid of the Gods – will know, I have been fascinated, repulsed, fearful, and even pre-occupied with the notion of the entire planet not only being turned into a source of energy in a Kardashev-like classification of a Type One Civilization, but also turned into a weapon.

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Rosalie Bertell on Wikipedia