Science & Technology – Week of 01.24.16

Google’s Project SkyBender Aims to Beam 5G Internet from Solar-powered Drones
The Verge | 29 January 2016
Bring internet access to…

NASA Just Released Footage of the Most Mysterious Pyramid in the Solar System
BI | 29 January 2016
Towering four miles…

Sonic Booms Likely Caused by Naval Aircraft Testing
ABC News | 28 January 2016
Supersonic flights almost…

Will the 2016 Primaries Be Electronically Rigged?
Truthout | 28 January 2016
Without detection…

Self-filling Bottle Turns Air into Water (VIDEO)
RT | 28 January 2016
To raise…

All Alone in the Night – Time-lapse Footage of the Earth as Seen from the ISS

YouTube | 06 October 2011
Dawn that occurs every…minutes…

ESA Selects Airbus Defence and Space for Two New Sentinel-2 Satellites
Space Daily | 27 January 2016
Industrial consortium of…

Killer Drones And Artificial Intelligence Is A Recipe For Disaster For Humans
Tech Times | 28 May 2015
Little as a few…

Zebra Cousin Went Extinct 100 Years Ago. Now, It’s Back
CNN | 25 January 2016
Reverse engineering…

Uber Monitoring Drivers in US in Attempt to Flag Dangerous Driving
The Guardian | 26 January 2016
Uber users can only assess…

US Government Hands Cyber-Security to Military
Tech Eye | 25 January 2016
Defense Department will…

JFK Allowed Passengers Arriving on International Flight to Exit Without Going Through Customs
NY Daily News | 25 January 2016
Flight from…

Why Robots Mean Interest Rates Could Go Even Lower In The Future
Bloomberg | 25 January 2016
Use common sense to …

Massive Blizzard Paralyzes New York and Washington, 19 Dead
Reuters | 24 January 2016
Millions of…


YouTube | 24 January 2016
Snowboard locally…

Magnitude-6.8 Earthquake Hits Alaska, Jolting Nerves
Yahoo | 24 January 2016
Knocked items off shelves and…

In Case there was Any Doubt Apple is Working on the Next Major Computing Platform…
Tech Insider | 23 January 2016
(VR) and its close relative augmented…

Big Auto Searches for Meaning Beyond Selling Cars
Technology Review | 21 January 2016
Point where…

Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on iPhone
Bloomberg | 21 January 2016
Vanished without a…

Assessing the Direct Occupational and Public Health Impacts of Solar Radiation Management with Stratospheric Aerosols
Environmental Health Journal | 16 January 2016
Large-scale population exposures…

No Parking Here
Mother Jones | 01 January 2016
Robocars…urban space…

Significant Progress in 2015 for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers
AIA Aierospace | 01 December 2015
Extension of the R&D…