Science & Technology – Week of 02.02.14

Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Cooperating Smart Dust Swarms
Gizmag | 03 February 2014
Smart dust. Utility fog. Programmable matter. Grey and blue goo…

The Robots That Saved Pittsburgh
Politico Magazine | 04 February 2014
How the Steel City avoided Detroit’s fate…

US Ready to Return to Moon
The Telegraph | 03 February 2014
The moon is back in fashion triggering a new space race among countries keen to exploit its commercial opportunities…

Fukushima Fear and Fallout
The New American | 22 January 2014
Scientists predict unprecedented disaster should an earthquake hit Japan and further damage the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant…

New 3D Printer by MarkForged Can Print With Carbon Fiber
Popular Mechanics | 27 January 2014
Looking for a better way to make racecar parts, Gregory Mark invents a 3D printer that can print in tough, lightweight carbon fiber, the first of its kind…