Hidden Miracles of the Natural World
TED | March 2014
We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is imperceptible to the human eye…
Meet the Jumping, Bionic Kangaroo Robot
Bloomberg | 08 April 2014
Hannover Messe in Germany is the world’s biggest industrial fair…
Cheap 3D Printer Raises $1 Million on Kickstarter in Just One Day
BGR.com | 08 April 2014
Micro, an unusually sleek 3D printer, is about to hit $1 million in funding on Kickstarter just a day after it started raising funds…
Seven Volcanoes In Six Different Countries All Start Erupting Within Hours Of Each Other
Climate Viewer News | 04 April 2014
A new island has appeared in the Pacific…
The Future of Public Transport? Map Reveals How the Entire WORLD Could be Connected Using a Global Underground Network
The Daily Mail | 07 April 2014
Some train journeys feel like they take forever…