Science & Technology – Week of 06.26.16

NASA Spacecraft Reveals Sounds made when Crossing into ‘Jupiter’s Home Turf’
RT | 01 July 2016
Data recorded…

Antarctica Retired Navy Flight Engineer Warned by NSA
to Stop Talking About Missing Scientists

Earth Files | 01 July 2016
Told not to talk…

Critics Warn of ‘Another Tragedy’ as Japan Re-embraces Nuclear Power
RT | 01 July 2016
Recycling of soil…

Those Bright Blobs again: Study shows Ceres’ Spots might have come from Within
Giz Mag | 30 June 2016
Likely explanation…

Astronomy Picture of the Day:The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness
APOD NASA | 30 June 2016
Brightness levels in yellow alter…

NAU Reborn As ‘North American Climate, Clean Energy And Environment Partnership’
Technocracy | 30 June 2016
Global Technocracy before people…

New Helium Discovery could Boost the World’s Dwindling Supply
Extreme Tech | 29 June 2016
Consequence of radioactive decay in…

Microsoft Reverses Course on Windows 10’s Malware-style Upgrade Tactics
Extreme Tech | 29 June 2016
Over customer trust could …

Check out Google Earth’s Amazing New Satellite Imagery from Landsat 8
Extreme Tech | 28 June 2016
zones and cirrus…every part of the…

AI Fighter Pilot Wins in Combat Simulation
BBC | 28 June 2016
Not score a kill…

Woman Wins $10,000 Judgment against Microsoft for Forced Windows 10 Upgrade
Extreme Tech | 27 June 2016
Mandatory telemetry collection, and…

Why Gravitational Wave Detection may have also Revealed Dark Matter
Extreme Tech | 27 June 2016
Mass range…

Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK

YouTube | 15 March 2013
Provocative ideas…

Chatbot Lawyer Overturns 160,000 Parking Tickets in London and New York
Guardian | 28 June 2016
DoNotPay helps users…

This Orwellian Technology Automates Censorship and Is Even Worse Than It Sounds
Activist Post | 28 June 2016
Every image, every video, every audio, has a …

First Universe Modeling Using Einstein’s Full Theory of General Relativity
Gizmag | 27 June 2016
So complex that until…

Alphabet is Plotting a Digital City Full of Google Cars, High-speed Internet and Maybe More!
Recode | 24 April 2016
Looking at parts of D… and D…

Blockchain: What It is, How It Really Can Change the World
We Forum | 23 June 2016
Any other kind of property or right without a …

Vladimir Putin Imagines Hyperloop Silk Road
News Week | 23 June 2016
Between Russia and…

US, Israel Sign Cyber Defense Agreement
LI | 23 June 2016
Shared cyber defense in…

Russia Aims to Develop ‘Teleportation’ in 20 Years
Telegraph | 22 June 2016
Today was drawn from…