Science & Technology – Week of 07.31.16

Why Apple Bought Turi: Acquisition Reflects Tech Giant’s Broader Push into AI and Machine Learning
Geekwire | 06 August 2016
Capabilities…differential privacy…

Apple Acquires Turi, a Machine Learning Company
Tech Crunch | 05 August 2016
Isn’t the first…

Binding Light to a Single Electron, Combining the Properties of Both
Revolution Green | 06 August 2016
Whole new…

‘The Real Battle Is, Who’s Going to Own the Energy Supply?’
Fair | 06 August 2016
Counterspin interview with Harvey Wasserman on renewables and nuclear…

GMO Mosquitoes Released into the Environment to Battle that Fake Story of Zika
RT | 06 August 2016
Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes to Combat Zika Virus…

Private Company Wins U.S. Clearance to Fly to the Moon
Yahoo | 03 August 2016
In the works are missions to…

Anti-Geoengineering Legal Alliance Files US 60 Day Notice Of Legal Action
GE Watch | 26 July 2016
Legal notice link (including plaintiffs) and source…

Dane Wigington-Chemtrails Killing Environment & Life on Earth
YouTube | 02 August 2016
(Greg Hunter interview) Ecocide and omnicide (extinction of…

$72mn Cryptocurrency Exchange Hack Triggers Bitcoin Price Collapse
RT | 03 August 2016

World’s First Electric ‘Straddling Bus’ Takes Test Drive in China
Eco Watch | 03 August 2016

Hove Bar Blocks Mobile Phone Signal to be More Social
BBC | 02 August 2016

A Siri Search For Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Hillary’s America’ Reveals Surprising Results
WJ | 02 August 2016
Playing in over…

U.S. Will Launch World’s Largest Underwater Battle Robot In 2018
Vocativ | 03 August 2016
Closer to ushering in…

A Start-up’s Race to Harvest the Moon’s Treasures
CNBC | 03 August 2016
Private venture founded by…

IBM to Launch First Commercial Blockchain in September
Bitcoin | 02 August 2016
Commercial use cases…

Bye Bye Discounts? Telecoms Appear Set to Jack Up Smartphone Prices
Market Watch | 01 August2016
Decline has significantly

Pwned websites
Pwned | 02 August 2016
Breached websites…

Tiny House Built for Just $420!

YOuTube | 20 October 2015
Tiny House Built for Just $420!

US Military Adds Jeff Bezos, Cass Sunstein To Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Advisory Board
Zero Hedge | 01 August 2016
Clinton Emails Reveal Google’s Role in…

Check Out the Whale Hologram in the School Gym
Magic Leap | 31 July 2016

Israel Proves the Desalination Era Is Here
Scientific America | 29 July 2016
Desal …

Medvedev Orders State Agencies to Switch to Russian-made Software in 3 Years
RT | 27 July 2016
Civil servants’ access to…

Smart Bricks will Transform How Buildings Work
UWE Bristol | 27 July 2016
Programmable’ walls within…

Everglades Foundation Launches $10 Million Prize to Clean Up Toxic Algae Blooms
Science Mag | 21 July 2016
Action funneled warm…

Security Robot at Stanford Shopping Center Runs Over Toddler
Mercury News | 12 July 2016

A Huge Solar Filaments Erupts

YouTube | 01 August 2016
Next few years…

People Are Merging with Their Smartphones

YouTube | 22 April 2016
44% are…

If You’re Worried about Privacy, You Should Worry about the 2016 Census
ABC AU | 15 March 2016
Poor record…