Science & Technology – Week of 08.16.15

New Ford Car Automatically Obeys Speed Limit
CNN | 25 March 2015
Unveiled by For of…

Hacker’s Ashley Madison Data Dump Threatens Marriages, Reputations
Reuters | 19 August 2015
Move to identify members of…

First Almost Fully-formed Human Brain Grown in Lab, Researchers Claim
The Guardian | 18 August 2015
The ethical concerns were…

An Executive’s Guide to the Internet of Things
McKinsey | August 2015
Core fact: business-to-…

IRS Says Breach of Taxpayer Data Far More Widespread than It First Thought: 610,000 Taxpayers at Risk
Washington Post | 17 August 2015
Monday as they released new estimates that 610,000…

Iran to Build Nuclear Complexes with China and Russia
Tehran Times | 16 August 2015
Arak reactor will also…

NSA Spying Relies on AT&T’s ‘Extreme Willingness to Help’
ProPublica | 15 August 2015
First…standalone company is a nearly $1 billion agreement to …

The UK is Trialling a New Road Surface that Charges Your Electric Car as You Drive
Science Alert | 14 August 2015
How smaller sub-stations, AC/AC converters, and…

A Traffic Analysis of Windows 10
Local Ghost | 12 August 2015
Files on your computer and transmits…

Origins of Energy Synthesis:
Eric P. Dollard – Official Homepage

YouTube | 01 October 2013
Hydrostatic pressure against the….aether

The Truth About Edward Snowden
YouTube | 23 July 2013
Breaks down the history, origin, legality, and the terrifying reality of…

HD 3d Printing Pizza on a Contract from NASA HD
You Tube | 27 May 2014
Pizza printer uses open source…

3D Printing: Food in Space
NASA | 2013
Avoid food shortage, inflation, starvation, famine and even…