Science & Technology – Week of 08.23.15

Many scientific studies can’t be replicated. That’s a problem.
Washington Post | 27 August 2015
May succumb to motivated…

The Future of the Internet Is at Risk
Financial Sense | 26 August 2015
Mitigating risk: Data…

Open Source Ecology – Interactive Video
How can you collaborate with Open Source Ecology?

You Tube | 26 August 2015
How can you collaborate with Open…

There Aren’t Enough Firefighters to Stop America’s West From Burning
Bloomberg | 26 August 2015
Expert on fire behavior, has never…

Intel to Invest Heavily in Software That Enhances Cloud-Computing Capabilities
NY Times | 24 August 2015
Six companies that Cisco…

A New “Drinkable Book” has Pages that Turn Raw Sewage into Drinking Water
Quartz Africa| 17 August 2015
Silver and copper…

Samsung Looks to Join the Satellite Internet Space Race
Wired | 14 August 2015
Millimeter wave…

Stephen Hawking Launches $100m Ssearch for Alien Life Beyond Solar System
The Guardian | 20 July 2015
Million stars closest…