Science & Technology – Week of 11.10.13

Researchers Rewrite Entire Genome, Add Healthy Twist
Scientific Computing | 17 October 2013
Scientists from Yale and Harvard have recoded the entire genome of an organism…

Vast Antarctic Iceberg ‘Could Threaten Shipping’
BBC News | 12 November 2013
UK researchers have been awarded an emergency grant to track a vast iceberg in Antarctica that could enter shipping lanes…

Another View of The Jet in Saturn’s F Ring
EarthSky | 12 November 2013
The jets in Saturn’s F ring are thought by scientists to be caused by the ring’s particles interacting with small moons orbiting nearby…

Protecting Data Privacy
The New York Times | 05 November 2013
For many years, consumer privacy organizations urged Internet companies to adopt better practices…

California On Course For Driest Year On Record
SF Gate | 10 November 2013
Thirsty California may get a smidgen of rain this coming week…

Gold Nanoparticles Give an Edge in Recycling CO2
Brown University | 24 October 2013
It’s a 21st-century alchemist’s dream…

Did a USB Stick Infect a Russian Nuclear Plant with Stuxnet?
Gizmodo | 11 November 2013
There’s a common misconception that you need to be connected to the internet to get infected with malware…

National Geographic Time Travel the Truth
YouTube | 06 February 2013
Leading experts, including Professor Stephen Hawking and Dr Michio Kaku…