Science & Technology – Week of 11.29.15

Germany’s About to Switch on a Revolutionary Nuclear Fusion Machine
Science Alert | 01 November 2015

YouTube | 22 October 2015
Operational tokamaks across…

Nielsen: Smartphones and the Internet are Eating our TV Time
AP | 03 December 2015
Presents data on average use per…

Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions
Pew Global | 05 November 2015
Latin America, Africa more…

Russia Is Planning To Build A Permanent Manned Base On The Moon
UK | 03 December 2015
Not an intermediate point in the race. It is…

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg to Form Multi-billion-dollar Clean Energy Fund
Revolution Green | 02 December 2015
Job for both the public and private…

The Great Scheme: Alcohol-based fuels, Ford, Rockefeller, and Prohibition.
Serendipity | 26 June 2015
Advantages of alcohol-based fuels are multi…

If Climate Change is a Problem then Lunar Helium-3 Fueled Fusion is the Solution
Examiner | 02 December 2015
Two problems have to be…

CSF Google+ Space Resources Hangout-Commercial Spaceflight Federation
YouTube | 01 December 2015
As we move out as a planetary species…

Maurice Strong is Dead
YouTube | 01 December 2015
Globalist supergophers and the father of…

Climate Action Plans of World’s 48 Poorest Nations to Cost $1 Trillion
Japan Times | 30 November 2015
Significant contribution from international climate finance…

NASA Spacecraft to Fly Into the Sun
WSJ | 30 November 2015
Closer to the surface…

A Warming Planet Could Wreck the Economy
Yahoo Finance | 30 November 2015
Started to study small but…

The Paris Template
Indian Express | 30 November 2015
Again targeted as a spoiler…

Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris
Climate Depot | 29 November 2015
Monday, December 7…

Paris Climate Conference: The Big Picture
WSJ | 29 November 2015
To accomplish…

Global Warming’s Unacknowledged Threat: The Pentagon
War Is A Crime | 29 November 2015
Drive 100 million people into…

Paris Climate Change Protesters Under House Arrest
Legal Insurrection | 29 November 2015
Environmental justice warriors…

Zero Carbon – Zero Poverty
Greater Kashmir | 29 November 2015
CO2 limits will make the poor more…

Tech Unicorns: Gored
The Economist | 28 November 2015
Startup valuations would…

The Likely Winners and Losers from the Paris Climate Talks
Renew Economy | 28 November 2015
Signal for future investment patterns…

As World Leaders Launch Paris Climate Talks Monday, Bill Gates Will Launch a Supporting Science Push
Dot Earth | 27 November 2015
RD&D investment is, in essence, a proxy for…

Michael Hoexter: Road to COP21 and Beyond: The Missing Analysis of the Kyoto Protocol and its Failure
Naked Capitalism | 27 November 2015
“Assumptive” strategy on the part of ruling…

COP21: Everything You Need to Know
Politico | 26 November 2015
Won’t be sufficient to hit the…

President Obama Signs Bill Recognizing Asteroid Resource Property Rights into Law
Planetary Resources | 25 November 2015
Facilitate commercial exploration for and facilitate recover of…

The Birth and Death of Privacy, 3000 Years in 46 Images (Death is Forecast, not yet Apparent)
Medium | 24 November 2015
Mental pain and distress, far greater …

Physicists Plan a Miniaturized Particle Accelerator Prototype in Five Years
Kurzweilai | 23 November 2015
Be replaced with a series of accelerator chips 100 meters…