Science & Technology – Week of 12.14.14

AFSA Open Letter Opposing Human Feeding Trials Involving GM Banana
AFSA | 18 December 2014
These crops divert resources…

Monsanto: Science and Fraud are the Same Thing
Jon Rappoport | 18 December 2014
It was also about establishing a new…

Former Anonymous Hacker Doubts North Korea Behind Sony Attack
CBS News | 18 December 2014
He should know because he once hacked into…

Sony Cancels ‘Interview’ Release After Theaters Drop Out While Fox Folds Similar Movie
NBC News| 17 December 2014
Sony Cancels ‘Interview’ Release After…

Carmike Theater Chain Drops Sony’s ‘The Interview’ After Hackers’ Terror Threat
CNBC | 17 December 2014
The first theater chain to…

Billion Dollar Surveillance Blimp to Launch over Maryland
First Look | 17 December 2014
radar can track hundreds of square miles of…

Google’s Detractors Take Their Fight to the States
New York Times | 16 December 2014
The Digital Citizens Alliance said it had been public…

Translate Between English and Spanish Speech on-the-fly with Skype Translator
Extreme Tech | 15 December 2014
Even with Microsoft’s impressive “learning computers” …

The Apple iPod Antitrust Lawsuit: Did Apple Play Fair with its FairPlay DRM?
Extreme Tech | 17 December 2014
Did it abuse its position by…

Italian Reaper Drones To Be Used for Crowd Monitoring
Defense News | 17 December 2014
Reapers are equipped with electro-optical…

China is Planning to Purge Foreign Technology and Replace With Homegrown Suppliers
Bloomberg | 18 December 2014
Foreign suppliers may be able…

Advanced Heavy Water Reactor Likely to be Functional by 2020
The Economic Times | 17 December 2014
India has one of the largest sources of…

Curiosity Rover Drills Into Mars Rock, Finds Water
Space | 16 December 2014
Curiosity also detected the first organic…

Hungary Internet-Tax Protest Swells into Anti-Orban Demo
Bloomberg | 27 October 2014
Reduce the deficit to below the EU’s 3 percent of…

Turning Water into Gasoline
Armstrong Economics | 30 November 2014
A process to Make Gasoline From Water and…

A New Low-cost Way to Create 3D Nanostructures
Kurzweil AI | 09 December 2014
They can get the nanospheres to self-assemble in…